From my perspective: 05/08/2012
This is just another moment from my perspective..... :-) **Thanks for reading** -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store
This is just another moment from my perspective..... :-) **Thanks for reading** -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store
Running For Autism Meet Kristen and check out her awesome blog, it's at Follow her on Facebook at and find her on Twitter, her handle is @running4autism. When we first got hit with my firstborn son George’s autism diagnosis, people kept telling us it was a good thing. Now that we knew what was wrong, they said, we could find out more about it and get the right services in place. We could get George on the waiting list for this service or that funding. We had a word, a specific condition, to Google. These well-meaning folks, most of whom did not have any first-hand knowledge of special needs parenting, made it sound so easy. All of the answers and help we needed, just a phone call…
Lizze got up this morning to take the boys to school. Well actually, she only took Elliott to school. Anyway, when she walked around the driver side of the van on loan from the dealership, she noticed something was wrong. Someone had been messing around with the has tank. The fuel door was open and and the gas cap was removed. When I parked the van last night, we had about 1/8 of a tank of gas. This morning, we had 1/4 of a tank. Assuming that the fuel fairy isn't involved in this event, why do we have more fuel now than we did last night? I'm really, really hoping that the fuel tank hasn't been spiked with anything. Why can't people just respect other people's property? **Thanks for…
Today's Discussion is about education and the special needs children. How many of you have had to have some type homeschooling put into place and why? How did it work out? Any advice or tips that might help someone new to scenario, like myself:-) **Thanks for reading** -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store
Poor Elliott doesn't feel well. He's snuggled up to me and the puke pan. He's shaking like a leaf.. Poor guy.. :-( **Thanks for reading** -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store
Emmett has become fascinated with toothpaste. It appears as though he's finger painting with it. This morning, we forgot to put the kids toothpaste up and out of the way. Emmett came downstairs with toothpaste smeared all over his handsome little face. Upon later examining the bathroom, I found toothpaste smeared on the wall. Clearly, we are going to have to pay closer attention to Emmett during the day and not forget to put all that stuff away. **Thanks for reading** -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store
Anyone that has followed our story knows that Emmett struggles with many sensory related issues. One of the biggest issues we face is getting Emmett to wear socks and shoes. He doesn't always tolerate the feeling of socks and shoes on his feet. He's been doing much better lately but we still have to constantly adjust his socks because they are hurting him. So we decided to try something a bit different. Now, I will say that I can see many Dad's not really liking this idea and honestly, I can understand. Basically, one day, Emmett stumbled upon Lizze painting her toe nails and became fascinated with the idea of seeing paint on his little piggy toes. In the interest of full disclosure, I wasn't thrilled with the idea of…
Monday has been full of chaos and less than good news. However, despite all the bad news about Gavin's health, all the screaming and fighting, we had a really cool moment. Emmett had hit Elliott on the hand with an drawer, of all things. I provided comfort to Elliott and Lizze took on the challenge of talking to Emmett. Eventually, Emmett came down and out his head in Elliott's lap. That's his way of saying I'm sorry sometimes. Elliott forgave home and everyone was moving on when Emmett pulled everyone into a giant hug. So Today's Victory goes out to both Emmett and Elliott. Emmett for apologizing and Elliott for forgiveness. :-) Great job boys. **Thanks for reading** -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum…