So much for a peaceful nights sleep

It's like 4am and we just woke up to a huge fight outside. They are trying to kill each other. We called the police like 20 minutes ago and they still haven't arrived.. I don't think these people live here.  There are cars involved and we keep hearing screaming and people being slammed into the cars and not by the police. At least Gavin slept through it and the other boys aren't home. Have I mentioned how much I don't like our neighborhood? On a side note: Happy Mother's Day.  I figured I'm up, I might as well pass that along. :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


Getting your foot stuck in the door

I mentioned in a previous post,  that when we got home last night,  we had a little emergency.  At some point while we were gone,  Bella had gotten her foot stuck in her kennel door. Lizze was the first one in the house.  I was talking to our neighbor and unloading the van. Next thing I know,  Gavin comes running out of the house screaming that "Mommy needs help right now". I had no idea what was going on but Gavin was really freaked out and so that made me really nervous.  When I walked in,  I saw Lizze trying to get the kennel door open.  I looked on the floor and saw a puddle of blood. There was also pee and vomit,  all over. Maggie was still in her…

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A quiet evening with Gavin

We decided that because we so rarely get time to ourselves,  let alone time with just Gavin,  we would do something special. We decided to take Gavin to get Chinese food,  his absolute favorite. It was Lizze's Mother's day present as well.  Kinda lame but it's the best we can do for right now. Anyway,  it was nice just hanging out with Gavin for a change. He was very well behaved and made two trips to the buffet,  all by himself.  Admitted,  he makes me nervous because he drops things all the time anymore plus he tends not to pay attention to anything around him. However,  he really impressed me tonight and I'm really proud of him. The downside is that he started to have issues on the way out…


Almost childless

Emmett is at Lizze's parents for the night and Elliott is at my parents for the night. We are left with Gavin and the dogs.  It's really quiet and peaceful. We probably could have been completely childless but we opted to hang on to Gavin for 2 reasons. The first being, his health still worries us and until we meet with Cleveland and return to the neurologist,  we aren't sure what his limitations are. The fact that he isn't medically stable enough to return to school for at least the rest of this year,  compels us to really exercise caution.  Perhaps we are overreacting but until we know otherwise,  I don't know what else to do. We don't want Gavin to crash again and have to return to the hospital. …


Gavin’s Lego Creation: 05/12/2012

Gavin's super awesome Lego creation of the day is another shop.  He didn't name it as he usually does,  but I think it's very Star Wars-ish. It's even got moving parts :-) He's really,  very proud of this and so am I. He did a great job and I admire his imagination,  most of the time ;-) Great work Gavin and thank you for letting me share your creation with me readers.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


Slight reprieve

Lizze's parents came and picked up Emmett.  He's gonna spend the night and have a lot of fun. We are going to have one less to worry about for a little while,  God bless them for that.  :-) Hopefully,  Emmett will behave and have a good time with his Grandparents.  I grabbed a few shots of Emmett leaving this afternoon.  They are really cute so of course I wanted to share :-) Enjoy the cuteness.... **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


Elliott’s Treasure: 05/12/2012

Elliott has lots of little treasures. He loves collecting action figures and playing with them as well.  This morning,  Elliott was digging through the toy box and discovered a long lost treasure.  This particular treasure was his long lost Ash, from Pokemon action figure. He is so excited to be reunited with his toy that he asked me to take a picture and share it with ya'll. I absolutely love his smile :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


Another early day

Some things got to give.  The boys keep getting up at these God awful hours and can't go back to sleep. I ended up on the couch after Emmett climbed onto our bed at the unholy hour of 3am. This is getting old,  real fast. Lizze and I need our sleep. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store

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