Today’s #Autism Discussion: Summer Vacation

As the summer creeps closer and closer,  so does the end of the school year. This is the inspiration for today's discussion. What, if any,  preparations do you make in order to prepare for the end of the school year?  Do your kids transition well or do you have problems?  Do you have any advice for families that struggle with the transition? **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store

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Moving Forward

Putting all the crazy from this past week behind us,  we are moving forward.  This is another really big week for the Lost and Tired family.  Gavin will finally make it to the Cleveland Clinic and be seen by the Dysautonomia specialist. If you recall,  he was supposed to be there about 2 weeks ago but ended up stuck in the Hospital because he couldn't maintain his own blood pressure. This will likely require multiple trips but getting our foot in the door is the first step at hopefully finding some answers. We also return to his primary neurologist to follow up on his hospital stay and the EEG. Gavin was diagnosed with epilepsy last week and is starting new meds this week because the Depakote is not working causing…

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#Autism: Discovering a hidden talent

Gavin has tons of talent in many areas but I'm completely blown away by the emergence of his latest hidden talent. Gavin has been drawing in his room for most of the day.  He's been really focused on drawing today for some reason. While Gavin has always loved to draw,  they have always been very simple and featured more stick figure type drawings. Tonight he showed me his sketch book and I couldn't believe it. Basically,  he has been watching TV and then pauses the show at some point and draws what he sees.  This is a picture of the Incredible Hulks cousin. He never said who she was but I recognize her.  I'm totally impressed and so extremely proud of him. Check out his drawing... **Thanks for reading**  …


Enough is Enough

I have decided to move this conversation into the public forum.  I'm doing so because I want to make sure there is a public record for what I have to say.  At this point,  I don't want to leave any room for further misunderstanding and I want proof of what is going on. Over the past few days this person has been harassing Lizze,  telling her that I'm abusive and that she needs to take the kids and move to a shelter.  These comments were posted to her youtube channel and we're later deleted by the original author. Later, comments were left to some of my videos as well as right here on my blog. I think introductions are in order. You already know who I am so now it's time to shine the…


Today’s Victory: 05/13/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you by Gavin.  He made his own lunch this afternoon and did a really good job.  I actually took some really cool pictures of his accomplishment but the pictures never saved to my phone. I think there's something wrong with my phone. :-( Anyway,  Gavin did a great job and this,  while it may seem simple to some,  is actually a victory and one more step towards independence.... **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store

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Dear cyberstalker

Dear cyberstalker, At this point I'm choosing to protect your identity, and I'm very aware of who you are. I'm going to make this polite and very public request one time and one time only. Cease and desist your harassment of both my wife and myself. Your comments are both ignorant and hurtful. You seem to be on a quest to disrupt my family and I won't stand for it. If you have an issue with anything that I have said or done on this blog, I would encourage you to contact me directly and discuss your concerns. I'm open to anyone's opinions when they are presented in a productive and tactful manner. Thus far you have become an annoyance and your views and or opinions lose any and all credibility.…


Happy Mother’s Day 2012

I wanted to take a minute and wish all the Mother's on my life,  especially my amazing wife,  a very Happy Mother's Day. It's safe to say that none of us would be here without you...  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


Lost and Lonely

Poor Bella is just having a rough time.  Yesterday she got her foot stuck in her kennel door for God only knows how long.  Then at bedtime,  she just sat at the foot of Emmett’s bed as though she was just waiting for him to appear. She's so sweet...... **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store