Gavin’s Lego Creation: 05/17/2012

Gavin has whipped up yet another Lego masterpiece. This particular work of art happens to be a Lego Prison.  Many years ago,  he received a Lego set that was a prison.  He has long since lost the pieces to that so he decided to create his own.  I have to say this is remarkably similar to the original Lego Prison from years ago. Nice job Gav-man :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


Dysautonomia: Summing things up 05/17/2012

We made it home safely. The return trip was much easier then the trip up there. We met with the doctor for about an hour and had a very interesting conversation. He took an extensive background medical history. After the history,  he did a through physical exam.  Believe it of not,  the doctor actually found Gavin's lower reflexes. What he showed us is that Gavin's reflexes are actually there,  however they diminish as they get lower.  While I don't know that I agree with this entirely,  it was clear that they are still present above his knees. When you go below his knees, that's when they become even more diminished. Basically, we are going to have to go through all the testing at a later date.  We actually go back…


Dysautonomia 05/17/2012: The vitals

They just took Gavin's vitals. He is experiencing orthostatic bp issues.  That means that his bp drops when sits or stands. At least we are in the right place. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


Dysautonomia: Arrival at the Cleveland Clinic 05/17/2012

We have arrived at the Cleveland Clinic,  exactly on time. Traffic was horrible and Gavin is already out of it.  We are all checked in and waiting to go back. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store

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Dysautonomia: Our quest begins with the first step

We are on our way to hopefully find answers.  It's about an hour and twenty minute drive,  not including traffic. I have a feeling that this is going to be a really long day. I want to thank our parents for taking Elliott and Emmett last night.  This allowed Elliott to get to school and Emmett to just be able to relax. Thank you all for the help.  :-) Please say a prayer for us today.  Perhaps just keep us in your thoughts.  We actually have quite a bit riding on this today and the physical trip itself is taking quite a bit of sacrifice to actually make.  I'll leave it at that. I truly hope that we find the answers we need to help Gavin. **Thanks for reading**  …


Dysautonomia: 8 years in the making

Tomorrow is a big day for the Lost and Tired family.  We will make our trip to the Cleveland Clinic in search of answers to Gavin's continuous decline in health. For those of you new to this blog and our story,  I give you some brief back story. Gavin is an extremely rare child. Not only is he an awesome kid but he has a huge list of very serious health issues. So far this is what we know for sure,  both serious and less serious: 1) Aspergers 2) ADHD 3) Primary Immunodeficiency 4) PICA 5) Asthma 6) Degenerative Neurological Disease (yet undefined) 7) Dysautonomia (autonomic disorder) 8) Epilepsy 9) Schizoaffective Disorder Gavin has lost all his lower reflexes and muscle tone and some control over his tongue.  It's affecting…


Dysautonomia, Epilepsy and Today’s Followup: 05/16/2012

So we made it home today from Gavin's appointment.  It actually went really well. Nothing has changed but I think that we're even more sure that he is definitely dealing with with some form of Dysautonomia. We had to take Emmett with us as well. He did really well while we were there because he just loves Dr.  Brown. However,  all the way up and all the way back,  he screamed at the top of his lungs.  It was so piercing that I had to put my window down to keep my ears from popping. Then of course,  he had to go potty 2 or 3 times. It's safe to say that Emmett is struggling a bit right now. Gavin did start to get sick after he got out of…

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Dysautonomia: Following up from the hospital stay

Gavin in will be returning to see the neurologist in the morning.  This is an epilepsy and Dysautonomia follow up. While he hasn't been officially diagnosed with Dysautonomia,  we expect that to be soon.  When he was admitted 2 weeks ago, that's what they treated him for. Tomorrow is a follow up from the EEG and the hospital stay.  Hopefully,  it will be uneventful and quick and painless. I'm anxious to get to Cleveland on Thursday and to get this diagnosis under way.  When we know for sure what we are dealing with,  than we will be better prepared and perhaps have a treatment as well.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play…

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