The Lighter Side of #Autism

I know I sound system like a scratched record but I really want you to understand something. Despite the many,  many challenges facing the Lost and Tired family,  I always do my best to find the positive. This is one of those times where I just really, really appreciate.  I call moments like this,  The Lighter Side of #Autism,  and for good reason. These are moments that help me to regain my strength.  They also remind me what I working so hard for. This is just a picture of Emmett sleeping,  however,  I just thought it was cute how he is sleeping and I wanted to share. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google…


Balancing everything isn’t easy

For those of you that read Lizze's post from yesterday,  I think it's clear that something has to give. No one should be expected to live through this much pain,  each and every day,  only to face the challenges associated with special needs parenting. I want to get Lizze to the Cleveland Clinic for an evaluation. I'm not so much questioning her diagnosis as I am her current treatment options. Considering the fact that nothing being done has helped,  I think it's time to go to a facility that has more ammo in their arsenal,  when it comes to treating chronic pain disorders and migraines. Honestly,  this is long overdue. The problem is that we will likely have to change insurance carriers and that means the boys having to move…


How do you discipline a chronically ill child?

Folks,  I really could use your advice. We are finding ourselves in a dilemma with regards to Gavin. Gavin has always been difficult to discipline. He has so many challenges in his young Life,  both health wise and mental health wise. In many areas, Gavin is only about 3 or 4 years old,  developmentally. Trying to discern what is a willful act as apposed to something completely outside of his control,  is becoming more and more difficult. I want to be very careful that we hold him accountable for his less than good choices and at the same time be understanding of the things that he has no control of. The problem we have is knowing what is what. I'll give you an example. How do we know when Gavin…


Where do people come up with these names?

There's just something wrong with naming your candy something that sounds a whole lot like Anus Squares. Perhaps I'm pronouncing this wrong but either way,  it seems like a poorly chosen word. :-)  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android


Peaceful Moments

Last night,  I was snuggling the dogs while watching Netflix,  through my eyelids.  :-) Bella just sorta curled up on me and then stretched out. She's so cute. That was one of those moments where everything is peaceful and quite. I don't get many of these,  so I take what I can get.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android


Dear God, Please help me to understand…

    Dear God, Please help me to understand because I don't. I've had migraine headaches since I was pregnant with Gavin. That's 13 years now, in case you lost track. I've lived with this curse. I've learned to function with them. I've found a way to fight my way through the pain, at the expense of myself and those closest to me. Only to have my country tell me that they are "simply headaches and everyone gets headaches". Only to have them get worse now, after 13 years. Why?! I suppose I should feel lucky - and I'm sure some will tell me I should - because I've made it this long with the pain maintaining a status quo even if the frequency has increased. But I don't feel lucky and I won't.…


You can’t fool me, I knew you were sleepy

It just goes to show that we,  as special needs parents,  really know our kids.  Despite all the protesting from Emmett about not being tired,  I knew he was. This picture is from yesterday,  while Gavin was getting his infusion. While he didn't sleep for long,  he passed out across my legs.  He was so sleepy that he was able to fall asleep in the world's most uncomfortable position.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android

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Published on Akron Children’s Hospital Blog

I'm really honored and incredibly excited to share with you all that Akron Children's Hospital has asked for permission to post one of my articles on their official blog. Awhile back I had done a review of their mobile app. They somehow discovered that review and wanted to publish it on their site next Tuesday. For those of you that aren't familiar with Akron Children's Hospital, they are among the very best in the entire country. People come from all over the world to have their child treated here. As you know, our kids are frequent patrons of their fine facility. When the post goes live, next week, I share the link with all of you. Thank you Akron Children's Hospital for taking such amazing care of my family and literally countless…