Please say a prayer for Gavin

Gavin’s pediatrician wants him taken to Akron Children's Hospital ASAP. Basically,  Gavin’s BP is out of whack again. While I can't find my bp cuff and stethoscope,  I have compared his pulse standing and sitting. While he's standing,  his pulse rapid and weak.  When he sits down,  his heart rate slows and his pulse is stronger. So it seems he is having orthostatic hypotension issues once again. Unfortunately,  the only course of action at this point is the ER.  My guess is he'll fall asleep in the car and probably again at the hospital.  Lizze's mom is going to be taking Lizze and Gavin in just a few minutes. I'm staying back with the other boys so we can keep them on schedule. I'll update as I get more information. …


Gavin’s acting weird and that’s saying something

Alright,  Gavin is acting really weird. Not to sound like smart ass but,  that's saying something. Honestly,  Gavin's acts weird all the time,  it's kinda like a status quo. He seems really disoriented and has an unsteady gait. I wish I could find my blood pressure cuff and stethoscope,  but I haven't seen them in years. I do think I'm gonna put my heart rate monitor on him so I can see the difference when he sits and stands. I'm really hoping he's just tired because we actually have a quiet week and I really don't have it in me to be at the hospital again. Maybe that sounds bad but dammit,  I'm friggin tired. Of course,  if he needs to go,  I'll do whatever we have to do. Having…


Gavin’s Health Crisis: Update 05/21/2012

Overall,  Gavin has been doing ok lately. He still has issues with his blood pressure and body temperature. However,  he hasn't been back to the hospital,  so that's positive. Having said all that,  he is struggling today.  He can't keep his eyes open and his speech is slow and exaggerated.  The other issue is his gait.  He seems more unbalanced today than usual.  Unfortunately,  there isn't much that we can do. He's drinking plenty of fluids,  as this will help to bolster his blood pressure. It appears as though this is just going to be one of those days. Until we figure out exactly what's going on,  we are just going to have to be very careful. That's all there really is to say about Gavin's health,  at this point…


The week ahead

This week is going to be,  God willing,  a relatively quiet one. We have a handful of therapies this week and seems to be it. This doesn't  happen very often,  at least not to us. I have many things I want to get done this week.  My goal is to try to get everything or at least as much as possible,  done around the house.  We have tons of laundry that needs done and the carpet upstairs needs scrubbed. I have a few articles I need to write and some emails to return. I also have a review of a weighted vest and pressure vest to finish this week and get posted this weekend. My goal is to do one review per week for now. With all I have going…

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The clean slate

Today begins a new week for the Lost and Tired family.  Something that I don't know that I have ever mentioned before is my approach to each day.  Basically,  we start every day with a clean slate. This was started mostly for Gavin but has since been adopted by all of us. When Gavin would have a really bad day,  I would reminder him at bedtime,"tomorrow is a clean slate.  All the mistakes and less than good decisions of today,  will be washed away while you sleep."  It seems to help and I think it sends a relatively positive message to our kids,  at least for now. :-)  I have adopted this attitude myself or rather I try to adopt this attitude.  It allows me to forgive myself for not…


Tech4Autism: Review of the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 (7.0)

Editors Note: Some of this review is pulled from the previous Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus review from a few weeks ago. There are many similarities that justify this move, however, there are also some differences and this review will reflect the thoughts and opinions of the Galaxy Tab 2 7.0, by Samsung, only. Has Samsung hit a home run with it's new Galaxy Tab 2 7.0? Will this new tablet work out well for a child with #Autism? Read on to find out.. Today I’ll be reviewing the Galaxy Tab 2 7.0, by Samsung. This is a 7″ tablet is Samsung's second generation tablet. It's powered by android OS version 4.0.3 Ice Scream Sandwich. I have all the specs at the bottom of this review. Remember, my main focus is how this device could benefit your child with Autism. There are…


Balancing sanity and safety

It honestly feels like a lose lose situation.  The kids are going crazy today and I'm following right behind them. They have so much energy and need an outlet.  The problem is the same as it has always been.  The neighborhood is not suited to allow 3 special needs boys out to play. The other problem with taking the boys outside is that I'm just so tired and I literally have no energy left. Lizze wouldn't be capable,  even if she had the energy,  which she doesn't. I know many of you out there,  live in similar environments.  How do you manage to find balance between preserving your sanity and ensuring everyone's safety.? **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for…


Slipping through the filter

I totally forgot to share this before. The other day while we were at the neurologist,  Gavin said the funniest thing. We all know that ASD kids can say things that skip the filter.  Sometimes what slips out is a totally random and often funny. The other day,  the neurologist was talking to Gavin about how he was feeling.  Gavin was asked a question about whether or not he thought he was still having seizures.  Gavin answered with,  "guess what,  I collect money." The doctor thought it was so funny he actually wrote it down on Gavin's chart so he could remember it.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted…