Wednesday Night Therapy: 05/23/2012

Every other Wednesday,  we have an additional therapy session.  This week is one of those weeks.  The boys get two sessions this week and they love it. Tonight,  Dr.  Pattie is running about 30 behind and we found out as we were arriving.  Right now we are waiting 30 minutes while the boys play with toys and read books. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android


Fun with bubbles

This morning,  before it got hot out,  Emmett and I went outside to blow bubbles. Emmett,  like many kids,  loves bubbles. We spent about 20 minutes just blowing bubbles and watching the dogs try and chase them down. It's the little things in life that are often the most rewarding. Do your kids like bubbles?  If so,  when's the last time you took a few minutes to just blow bubbles with your kids? I had a lot of fun and so did Emmett.  We soaked up a few minutes of vitamin D and all it cost us was some soapy water.. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for…


Today’s Victory: Sensory Success :-)

Today was a monumental day for one Emmett John.  He is the Today's Victory award winner. As with many kids on the #Autism spectrum,  Emmett has many sensory needs.  Shoes and socks have always been a challenge for him. I know many of you know what kind of challenge this is.  Every time they put shoes and/or socks on they never feel right or even hurt.  In Emmett’s case,  it's the way his socks contact is toes.  There is no rhyme or reason that we can decern.  When it comes to his shoes,  he is extremely sensitive.  He feels absolutely everything in his shoes. It could be a string, a tiny little spec of whatever or something we can never actually find. Getting dressed is almost always,  a very time…

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Louder than words

You all hear me talk about Emmett's fever flares quite often.  I also talk about the mouth sores as well.  I think that for those of you out there that have never experienced this first hand,  may not be able to appreciate what a person going through this must endure. This morning,  Emmett broke out with more mouth sores.  They will eventually spread throughout his entire mouth and grow to about the size of a quarter. Sometimes a picture can speak louder than words. Please keep him in you thoughts.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android


Embracing my feelings and sharing them with you

OMG....  Gavin is driving me crazy.  He's not listening and he keeps interrupting everyone when they are talking.  Some of this is typical aspie stuff and some of it is preteen stuff.  Having said that,  I'm trying to come up with a plan on how to address this behavior.  It has to be addressed because it's raising tensions in the house. This morning,  he had a huge,  very self-injurious meltdown. I tried the approach of just ignoring him and that didn't help. In Gavin's case,  he not so much sensory seeking as he is attention seeking.  I'm sure that sensory issues play into this but these meltdowns are very often willful acts. Again,  this applies to Gavin and I'm not making a blanket statement about people with Autism in general.…


#Autism: The creative mind

I wanted to share with you all something that Emmett did yesterday. I was really impressed with this and honestly a little scared. Emmett was playing with a Nerf basketball hoop. We were using stick tack to hang it up on the front door. It didn't work very well. While I was in the kitchen making lunch,  Emmett was hard at work,  addressing the problem. I think that the pictures are pretty self-explanatory.  Believe it or not,  his solution worked really well.  His problem solving skills are amazingly advanced,  especially for a 3 year old,  developmentally delayed,  child with Autism. Don't ever think that a child with Autism is somehow less intelligent then anyone else.  Nothing could be farther from the truth. Now,  hopefully,  Emmett will use these problem solving…


Today’s Victory: 05/23/2012

Today's Victory is brought to you by Elliott Richard. He is easily the pickiest eater in the Lost and Tired family but today,  my little man actually ate a bowl of oatmeal for dinner. Awesome job Elliott.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android


Elliott and Emmett: Under the weather

Gavin seems to be doing better and that's awesome.  However, Elliott's sick and Emmett's starting a flare.  This is going to be a very unpleasant couple of days.  :-( **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android