No Meltdowns: Day 1

Since introducing a more aggressive approach to Gavin’s behavioral choices,  he has been making better choices. We have gone a complete day without a single meltdown. There were at least two situations yesterday that would have previously resulted in a very aggressive meltdown. However,  upon reminding Gavin of what would happen if he chose to have a meltdown,  he very quickly and easily shut it down. This is very encouraging,  however it's only been one day.  My hope is that he can continue this positive trend into the future.  I pray for the day we can treat Gavin the way we do the other boys.  Up to this point,  there has always had to be different rules for Gavin because of his behavior. Hopefully,  this is a sign of things…


Congratulations Gavin

I wanted to share some really positive news about Gavin. We don't always have a lot of that to share,  I'm really excited. Gavin received several awards this school year and I wanted to share them all with you.  :-) Gavin,  I'm so proud of you for your accomplishments this year,  despite all your challenges.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as auto correct and I don't see eye to eye.

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Today’s Victory: Better Choices

Gavin made it through the day with out a single meltdown. I think this new approach is working.  So in light of Gavin's better choices today,  I'm awarding him with Today's Victory.  Keep it up Gavin.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted via WordPress for Android. Please forgive any typos as auto correct and I don't see eye to eye.

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Progress in the struggle for power

Something that I think I had made pretty clear,  but was missed by some people is that Gavin has control over these meltdowns.  These are not the typical meltdowns you in any Autistic children. The reason I can say that is because Gavin has the ability to turn the meltdown on and off,  whenever he feels the need. When Emmett has a meltdown,  it's typically sensory overload and it pretty obvious because he is inconsolable. Gavin on the other hand,  has the meltdowns because he's facing the consequences for a choice he has made. Many times I have proven he has control because he basically will stop,  if and when he gets what he wants. He can also stop his fit,  long enough to move himself away from something he…

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Saturday Soapbox: Smoking

I climbed on my soapbox last week to vent about parents that don't put their kids in carseats. You folks responded really well to that and a good dialog was started. I was thinking that I could do this more often. So I have decided to have Saturday Soapbox. Basically,  I'll voice my opinion about something that bothers me and the you all discuss your thoughts and and feelings on the issue. For today's Saturday Soapbox,  I'm going to talk about smoking with your kids in the car. This has been a pet peeve of mine for as long as I can remember. I've never understood why someone would knowingly put their child at risk for things like,  asthma,  cancer or countless other illnesses. Personally,  I don't understand smoking in…


Emmett snuck out of the house

Yesterday,  Emmett and I went over to visit with our neighbors and let Bella play with their Rosy. After awhile,  Lizze and Gavin joined us and Emmett and I took Bella home.  While I was putting Bella in her kenel,  because we were getting ready to run some errands,  Emmett dashed out of the house,  across the alley and onto my neighbors porch. I went running after him as quickly as I physically could.  I shouted over to Lizze that he was loose and she snagged him. Emmett ran across a busy and dangerous alley without looking and scared me to death.  Luckily,  Emmett is our only runner and he's only done this a few times. However,  I can easily see this as a problem and one that I will…

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The Lighter Side of #Autism: Snuggles

Something that being a special needs parent has taught me,  is to always appreciate the little things.  I embrace that lesson every single. If I didn't,  I'd go crazy or crazier..... Snuggles are so awesome for me.  It's one of the few times that I truly feel like a good parent and at peace with everything. I love snuggling Emmett and Elliott because it reminds me of when they were little and I would sing them to sleep while they snuggled on my chest. Those moments are among my most treasured memories.  :-)