My love/hate relationship with Lego’s

My relationship with Lego's is complicated to say the least. I love the fact that my boys are so creative with them but at the same time,  I hate finding them with the bottom of my foot. No matter how many times I try to get them all picked up,  they always seem to reappear shortly after. Lego's have brought my kids together and also been the root cause of much of the fighting in the Lost and Tired household.  They always fight over individual pieces and it drives me crazy. Part of me wants to just take a break from Lego's all together and see if their relationships improve. Some of the boys tend to hoard the Lego's....cough cough Gavin cough cough. I don't think that he's trying to…


Elliott’s Lego Creation: Hybrid Crab

I wanted to share Elliott's latest Lego creation. It's actually a hybrid of sorts because he used non-Lego parts as well. He took a seashell and used his Lego's to create an ocean crab, as he calls it.  I was really impressed with this because it's extremely creative and he came up with this on his own. Great job Elliott.  :-)


Not a good morning

This is not going to be a good day,  I can feel it. I woke up to an email letting me know that our account is overdrawn. That's not a good thing, as I'm sure you can imagine. That is not a good way to start the day. My back is still really sore but slowly getting better. So I guess that's slightly positive. Emmett is just starting into another fever flare.  The mouth sores are just beginning to appear and he is not in a good frame of mind.  Poor kid is going to be miserable for the next 10 days. Unfortunately,  miserable for Emmett means miserable for everyone. Gavin's not been having good bays and this one doesn't bring with it promises of better behavior. I took the…

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Buried alive

I just woke up and within minutes of sitting down on the couch,  I'm buried alive. Maggie is laying across my legs.  Elliott, Emmett and Bella have climbed onto my chest and made themselves comfortable. It's so nice to be loved.....


Special Needs Parenting: Trying to do better

Lizze and I are working very hard in an attempt to give the boys as normal a life as possible. One of the things we are doing is trying to take the kids to the park a few times a week.  This gets them some exercise and a chance to get those wiggles out. Tonight,  after Dr.  Pattie's,  we took the boys to a playground.  While Gavin didn't get to participate due to behavior reasons,  the other boys had a good time. It was nice to see them having fun and being kids.  They don't get to do that enough.  This really makes me feel good to provide this for them. Lizze gets to step outside for a little bit and get some exercise and take pictures of the boys.…

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Thanks for scaring my kids

I would like to thank the jacka$$ that was setting off what sounded like at least M80's tonight.  It was coming from the end of the street and happened at least 3 times. The windows in our house we're rattling and it was after 9pm. We called the cops and they had been flooded with complaints from people as far as several blocks away. It literally felt like a bomb went off.  The boys were freaked out. Elliott ended up coming downstairs hiding under a blanket with me on the couch. Thank you for not only breaking the law but also for terrorizing my kids.  I hope the cops find whoever you are and put a stop to this crappy.


My friggin rant

I'm gonna be real honest here and tell you that Gavin is driving be plumb loco.  We're talking beat my head into the wall just to make it all stop. He doesn't listen and I honestly don't know if he's even capable of listening anymore.  I realize how that sounds but I swear to God that he just never seems to learn or follow directions. At times it seems as though he's just not capable of following even the simplest of directions. I'm sooooo friggin tired of repeating myself.  It would be easier and far less exhausting to just yell at him when he doesn't listen.  However,  I don't do that,  as I feel yelling at him would only be setting a bad example and teaching him that yelling is…


Stand UP 2 Apple

Hello fellow #Autism Community members. I want to bring a very serious problem to your attention. Apple, the maker of the iPad and iPhone is exploiting loopholes in our current patent system. They are using these exploits in an attempt to maintain or rather regain their market share from android.  They are doing so by suing the manufactures of android based devices. These manufactures include Motorola, HTC and Samsung. These companies, especially Samsung, have absolutely dominated the smartphone and tablet market. Apples approach to this is to patent features in the iOS that originated as open source features in android years ago. They then sue the manufactures for "infringing" on their intellectual property and move to have those products banned from sale. The most recent case of the was HTC's US launch…