Priceless moments with #Autism

Ever since we brought Bella into our family,  she has had such a positive impact on Emmett.  He absolutely loves his Bella and has done things for her that he has never been willing to do prior. He feeds her everyday and snuggles with her on the couch.  He even helps me pick up the not so little anymore,  landmines that she leave in the yard everyday. She's not without a ton of hard work but to me,  it's absolutely worth it.  There are times that I honestly get so frustrated with her that I question our decision.  Having said that,  she's doing really well and is almost 100% housebroken. Even when she gets into something or runs out of the yard and I get really, really frustrated, it's all…


Fit4Autism: My Quest to Get Healthy

I just finished up my Fit4Autism workout tonight.  I did just over 3 miles tonight and burned about 853 kcal in just under 50 minutes. The air was really heavy tonight and the humidity was insane.  After the day I had today,  the last thing in the world I wanted to do was walk tonight. However,  after I started and when I finished,  it felt really good. My goal is to get in at least 15 miles a week. I was doing 30 miles a week last year but I just have to difficult a time getting away anymore.  Here is my workout tonight.  If you use Endomondo please feel free to share link to your workouts as well...  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please…


#Autism and destructive behavior

Something that really frustrates me is some of the destructive behavior we see from our kids on the #Autism spectrum.  Not all my kids are destructive, it's mostly Gavin and to a much lesser extent,  Emmett. Just because a child is on the spectrum doesn't mean they are going to be destructive. Gavin has destroyed countless things over the years. Most of the physical damage was done to his own property but sometimes the damage occurred to other things as well. We used to replace the destroyed items when we were just starting out on this journey.  We learned pretty quick that it was something we could keep up.  Not only was it to expensive but it sent the wrong message to Gavin. The latest issue we have had was…


Elliott’s Lego Creation: S12E Rocket Ship

Elliott surprised me today with an S12E Rocket Ship.  He created this from Lego's,  obviously,  and decided to grant me ownership,  at least until he needs the parts for something else.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive the auto-correct induced typos


Stealing from a special needs family….again

My disdain for Apple is long standing. I have personally never owned an Apple product and I never will. I even started Stand UP 2 Apple, as a means of spreading the word about Apple's deplorable, unethical and anti-competitive business practices.  Having said that, I have found myself in a new situation this morning. I woke up this morning to find myself further into the hole with my business checking account. Most of the negative balance is my responsibility and that's not the point of this post. The point of this post is to share the rather ironic charges that have appeared on my account this morning.  See below: Keeping in mind that I have personally never owned an Apple product and certainly never purchased anything from iTunes in the last 8 years. I don't even have an…


#Autism: Parenting in pain

After doing some additional research,  Lizze has decided against the occipital nerve block and botox,  at least for now. She doesn't feel that she would benefit from it,  due to the type of migraines she has. She realizes that it's the only thing left to do but instead of doing something this invasive,  she seeking out a second opinion.  It may end up that we have to return to the occipital nerve block and botox but at least we know that we have explored all of our options. There's never anything wrong with getting a second opinion.  Any doctor worth anything,  will always support an patients decision for a second opinion. Lizze wants a total revaluation,  for everything. That is music to my ears because I have been pushing for…

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Losing track of the days

Special Needs parenting is exhausting.  Do you ever reach the point of exhaustion where you don't even know what day it is? Well that's where I am right now. It's very disorienting not to know what day it is. I find myself either having to stop and really think about what day it is or look at my phone. It's like after awhile,  all the days just sorta blend together. It gets even more blurry during the summer because the school week is nonexistent. Anyway,  I was just wondering if this ever happens to you? **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store Posted from WordPress for Android so please forgive the auto-correct…


Finding new doctors

My goal for today,  aside from physically surviving,  is to find replacements for several doctors. The priority right now is to locate a new psychiatrist for Gavin.  The reason we have to do that is because his current shrink has spread himself way to thin and can no longer devote the time needed to help Gavin. We have no hard feelings because he has been a godsend to our family since 2005. However, trying to find a psychiatrist that is qualified to handle a child as complex as Gavin,  is next to impossible. As soon as we get this done,  I have to get Lizze to the Cleveland Clinic for help with her migraines. We are hoping that they have more options available for treatment than we locally. **Thanks for…