I need your input

With the growing traffic on the Site,  I wanted to make it a bit more organized.  You may have noticed that some things have been moved around. I have consolidated all the pages I to drop down menus and created an actual home page,  that I'm still working on. I just wanted to get your thoughts on the changes and ask if you have any suggestions to make the Site more user friendly? Thanks **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.


Emmett’s Lego Creation: The Robot Dog

Emmett is becoming a really creative Lego builder anymore. Today he built a present for me.  He calls it a robot dog. I am really impressed by his ever increasing Lego abilities. He didn't name it and later took him back for assimilation back into the pool of Lego’s.  However,  my brief time with robot dog was memorable.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.


#Autism and the dentist: Open Wide

Open Wide    A guest post by Jeff Stimpson The Cartoon Network blares over the chair from a TV to distract kids. This dental practice understands kid patients, I’ve learned over three or so appointments. They especially understand kid patients with special needs. “Daddy’s right here with you,” the dentist says to Alex, who's 13 and who had PDD-NOS and who hates the Cartoon Network. I consider asking if they can put on Elmo.  “Open wider, Alex.” I forget how we found this dentist, but on our first appointment he told us how he’d had a condition when he was younger and it gave him insight into kids like Alex.  This time, Alex won’t sit down, but jumps up to pick a penny toy from a nearby basket. “Go to…


#Autism, #Epilepsy and increasing seizure activity

Gavin had another seizure last night or early this morning. It was bad enough that he wet himself and based on the smell alone,  we suspect it was worse than that. We put another call into the neurologist to let him know that the seizures are getting worse and becoming more frequent. When we heard back,  they will probably want him to be seen.  They haven't wanted to mess with his meds because the seizures were under control and they didn't want to muddy the water for the dysautonomia work up that Gavin is in the middle of. However, at this point,  I don't know that we are going to have a choice. What a fantastic way to start the week out. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and…


#Autism and those incredibly awkward moments

After a really rough morning and a much better afternoon,  the Lost and Tired family sat down to eat dinner. Everything was going well until all of the sudden,  out of nowhere,  Gavin tells Elliott that he was kicked out of his old school for having #Autism. Lizze and I were in shock as this was completely out of left field and we were not prepared to have this conversation with him. For the record,  what Gavin said was true.  Elliott was basically kicked out of his old school for being Autistic.  Essentially,  they just wouldn't let him return for kindergarten,  even though he had never had a problem. While this is true,  Elliott doesn't know about this.  We purposely didn't tell him because we didn't want him thinking there…


I’m uber proud of Gavin

While today definitely started out rough,  Gavin managed to pull it together and even earn some privileges back. My Dad and I were gutting the back of our yard today. We had a lot of overgrowth that needed to be cut out.  With my back being shot to hell,  I couldn't do it by myself. We managed to get most everything cut out.  The clean up still has a ways to go before were done with that. However,  I had Gavin come outside and help us with some basic clean up things like stacking the freshly cut wood and cleaning up the little scraps left behind.  Gavin did a fantastic job.  He was very careful and even got to use some tools,  with proper supervision of course. I guess the…

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#Autism, peanut butter sandwiches and independence

My main man Elliott Richard made his own lunch this afternoon. He made himself a peanut butter sandwich.  That's totally awesome,  but wait there's more. Not only did he make his own lunch but he also made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for Gavin.  I'm so proud of him.  It may not seem like much to the average person,  but to this Daddy,  it was the highlight of my day and probably my weekend. It's sooooo important that we help our kids to become as independent as they possibly can. Even something as simple as making their own lunch is a invaluable life skill that they will take with them as they go forward. I know it's not always easy to let go and allow your kids to spread…


What to you find the most challenging about Summertime

I thought it would be interesting and insightful to learn what you folks find the most challenging about Summertime? For me personally,  I find it more challenging for numerous reasons.  Groceries are harder to maintain due to the kids eating at home instead of school.  Finding things that are #Autism friendly is also a challenge at times. It's also really exhausting because everything is constant and I no longer have that 8 hour break everyday. What are some of the things that you find difficult or challenging? You don't have to be a special needs parent to answer either.  Parenting in general, is challenging.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store…