Emmett John’s Blue Eyes
I wanted to share one of my favorite pictures of my little Emmett John. This is the actual color of his eyes. I just made the rest black and white. His eyes are absolutely amazing. I absolutely LOVE this picture.
I wanted to share one of my favorite pictures of my little Emmett John. This is the actual color of his eyes. I just made the rest black and white. His eyes are absolutely amazing. I absolutely LOVE this picture.
I have been really proud of myself for replying to as many of your comments as possible. I love hearing from all of you and whole heartedly value your thoughts and opinions. Having said that, I discovered a flaw in the new commenting system that I'm using. That flaw is that comments that I reply to from the wordpress app on my phone don't show up in the livefyre comments stream. They show up in the recent comments widget in the sidebar and in the wordpress dashboard but you folks won't see them.. I just wanted you to know that I'm replying to as many of you as I can, I'm just going to have to do not from the computer until livefyre gets fixed. Thank you everyone for making…
Today is absolutely not my day. Sometimes I'm on target and on days like today, I can't seem to do anything right to save my life. I don't see things improving tonight, but I have to learn to except my limitations and move forward anyway. Tonight I'm going to try and put in about 5 miles again. It's really the only time that I feel like I'm making a difference. By losing weight and getting back in shape, I can be a better husband and father. I might not be able to do much else to improve the lives of my family but at least I will stay healthy and have the energy I need to be there for them. That's got to count for something, right? I'm just feeling…
Something we haven't had to deal with for awhile is Gavin's excessive chatter. Gavin goes through these periods of time, usually when manic, where he literally talks nonstop. Much of the time he's either himself or seemingly just stringing words together. We have hit another one of these cycles recently. Let me tell you, it really takes a great deal of effort to cope with the incessant talking. It reaches the point, as it has today, where I simply start tuning him out. I don't do that willfully either, it's like a defense mechanism that kicks in after hearing the same friggin thing, over and over and over again. Already today, I have made several requests of God to please not let this be a manic phase. I do think…
I've been up all of 10 minutes and the boys are already driving me friggin crazy. Elliott is whining and Gavin is endlessly digging through the Lego bin. Emmett is busy bullying Elliott which just perpetuates the whining. Lizze and I have said this countless times, while each of our kids are challenging in their own right, it's the combination of all their behaviors and sensory issues that is what makes life in the Lost and Tired household. Today is going to be one of those days where the upper limit of my patience. I'm already stressed out to the max with Gavin's EEG coming up on Friday. Being without Lizze for 5 days is going to be very difficult. I also worry about the toll this will take on…
You only turn 4 once in your life and at 12:30am this morning, it was Emmett John's turn. I can't believe it's been 4 years already. This time last year, Emmett was barely speaking and now he's having simple conversations. Words will never be able to express just how much I love him and how much he means to me. We had a rather humble birthday party for him Monday night because we won't be home tonight in order to celebrate. We had a special dinner, a birthday cake, presents and a balloon. While I wish we were in a position to do more, he was so happy and that's all that matters. I even manged to get him a cloud so he could touch it. I found some information…
I share my experience with raising 3 boys on the #Autism spectrum all the time. You all know what my experience has been but I don't know what yours has been. So I thought I would ask. What has your experience with #Autism been like so far? Has your experience been more positive than negative or the other way around? Do you have a good support system in place or are you in need of one? I like to know about my readers and I don't know if I don't ask. Right? Right..
We heard back from neurology today. Gavin’s doctor called us personally to address our concerns. Without regurgitating all the boring details, there is concern that Gavin's seizures are getting worse. The fact that he's wetting the bed says that he's likely have more than just absent seizures. The doctor told us that, while it's possible for absent seizures to cause loss of bladder control, it's extremely rare. He then prefaced that comment with, "well, we are talking about Gavin’s here, so anything possible at this point." Gavin is now scheduled to return to Akron Children's Hospital for a 5 day VEEG, beginning this Friday. He wants to keep a close eye on Gavin and see if they can uncover not only what's going on with the seizures but also the…