#Autism and the Tornado Warning; Update

Thanks everyone for all the thoughts and prayers.  We have dodged the brunt of the storm.  The kids are done freaking out and Emmett has given up on hunting "tomatoes". We still have some rough thunderstorms possibly hitting but nothing we can't easily survive.  :-) Thanks again.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.


#Autism and the Tornado Warnings

We are currently under a tornado warning and have been told to go to the basement.  We're trying to keep the boys calm and keeping everyone in the living room until we hear the sirens. I'm sitting out on the porch to keep an eye on things and listen for the siren warning of impending disaster. If you could keep the Lost and Tired family in your thoughts and prayers once again that would be greatly appreciated.  Also please keep everyone else who is in the path of these natural disasters in your thoughts and prayers as well. [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="It's looking pretty ugly right now"][/caption] **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the…

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How are you handling the heat?

I just finished up a radio interview.  I had to hide in the van with A/C on,  in order to have a quiet environment.  I could not believe how hot it was outside.  This is the first full summer that Web have had central air and I don't know how we would survive without it right now. My kids,  especially Gavin,  don't regulate their body temperature very well and so this kind of heat would be very dangerous for them.  How do your kids handle the hot weather and if they struggle,  is it sensory or regulatory related? Please stay safe and cool as much as possible.  Drink plenty of hydrating fluids like water or gatorade.  Avoid things like alcohol and pop/soda.  Hang in there.. **Thanks for reading**    …


#Autism and the potty woes

I very distinctly remember sharing the news when Emmett was finally potty trained.  Diapers were an absolute nightmare for us.  He refused to wear anything but the Cookie Monster diapers and it was a huge,  huge expense for many years. Since being potty trained for about the last year or years and a half,  he's done really good.  I can't actually remember him having any accidents.  However,  for the last month or so,  Emmett has been afraid to go potty by himself. I have to stand in the bathroom so he's not alone. He's also "unable"  to put his underpants back on after he's done. It's more like unwilling to put his underpants back on.  I don't know what happened.  This seems to have come out of nowhere.  I feel…

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Need a laugh? Check this out.

Yesterday,  Gavin and I went to Clearwater to fill up our 5 gallon water jugs.  The store actually had to put this sign on the door because so many people couldn't look at the giant,  boarded up hole in the wall and tire marks on the sidewalk and put 2 and 2 together. The guy behind the counter said that for the last 2 weeks,  there have been 2 kinds of people coming into the store.  The first group of people see the damage and can't figure out what happened.  The second group of people find the sign hallarious and take a picture.  I apparently fall into the second group. I just thought it was funny and wanted to share. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please…


I will be interviewed on the radio at 3pm EST today

I just wanted to share with you all that I will be interviewed, live on the radio this afternoon. I would encourage anyone with the time to follow the link and listen live on their computer. The topic is about my blog and support forums. Simply follow the link at the bottom of the post to reach the radio show. Let me know what you think.   Positively Autistic: The Poetic Vision with Erik Estabrook by Positively Autistic in Life


Perspective is an amazing thing

Perspective is an amazing thing and that's not the first or last time I will say that.  Perspective to me,  is how I view the world and people in my life. Depending on my perspective,  I may see things as good,  bad or somewhere in between. In light of our most recent health scare with Gavin,  my perspective has shifted ever so slightly but more than enough to change my outlook. Perspective can be likened to a prism.  Light passes through a prism differently depending on the angle.  Like a prism,  the slightest change in perspective can dramatically change how you view things. At this point for me,  my perspective has changed as a result of clarification of Gavin's current immunological status.  For a period of 36 hours we thought…


How do you cope with bad news?

The Lost and Tired family is no stranger to bad news.  Having said that,  we are far from the only family to have to cope with hearing bad news.  In our case,  the bad news usually centers around Gavin and his health issues. We had a big screen this week that turned out,  thankfully,  to not be as bad as I had feared. However,  the impact of thinking the worst,  is not something that just disappeared when I spoke with the doctor this afternoon.  For that last 36 hours,  both my wife and I have been riding an adrenaline rush,  even after we learned the good news. It got me thinking.  I wonder how other people cope with getting disheartening news about their child's health? Personally,  I don't drink,  smoke…