School DID NOT go so well today

Unfortunately, I could tell by the expression on Elliott's face as he walked out of the school building, that it wasn't a good day. What really caught me off guard is how upset Emmett was when he climbed into the car. I hadn't even had a chance to ask Elliott what was going on before Emmett went off. Turns out he was upset because he felt Elliott had been failed by the school today. Apparently, Elliott wasn't feeling well at lunchtime and wanted to go home. He was told that he couldn't leave the building and to go sit down. I understand there was also time earlier in the day where Emmett had witnessed Elliott not doing well and wanting to come home and he was denied his request. Towards…


Well shit, that didn’t go as planned

Well, therapy didn't happen this afternoon. While I was in the waiting room, I received a text that said, just a reminder, I'm out this week. It's not a huge deal but I most definitely didn't know about this ahead of time. While it was unfortunate, it did afford me the time I needed to make some changes to my bank accounts that needed to be done. It's not a total loss. I may be able to move forward with car shopping now. Fingers crossed because if not, I'm going to be really, really frustrated. I finished that up just in time for Gavin and I to wait for the kids to be dismissed after a full day at school. Hopefully, when they emerge from the school, they're in good…


The beautiful burden I’m lucky to be carrying

I have therapy this afternoon and I'm looking forward to going. It's tough for me to tell if it's actually working or not but I'm learning some important things along the way. The biggest issue in my life right now is everything surrounding my divorce. That includes all the things I'm personally learning to accept, as well as everything the kids are going through. Divorce makes everything more complicated and that makes an already challenging situation, more difficult to manage. This will be my 4th or 5th session, I can't remember. I like my therapist because she challenges me to think differently. It doesn't really change things but it does help me to better accept the things outside of my control. I know that there's no going back and at…


It was like being choked in my sleep

OMG... It was a rough night. Everyone went to bed without an issue and even fell asleep as well. To the best of my knowledge, Elliott slept through the night and that's good cause I really worry about him. Emmett on the other hand, had nightmares all night long. He doesn't remember what they were about, or just doesn't want to talk about them. Either way, I understand but I wish I could help him with the. They were so bad last night that when he did sleep, he had his arms around my neck, choking me. He wasn't trying to hurt me but when whatever was happening in his nightmares got really bad, it seemed like he was trying to snuff me out in my sleep. I didn't sleep…


It’s not perfect but the kids made it through the school day

Neither one of the boys came home from school early yesterday. Around lunchtime, I called because I wanted to make sure everything was okay. The office said that boys seem to be doing well and that made me feel so good. When I did pick up the kids, Emmett was in a great mood and Elliott wasn't too far off. He made it through the day but was not feeling well for most of it. I hate that he's so distressed it makes him physically ill but I'm incredibly proud of him for sticking it out. It feel like there's hope that we can work through this and get our lives back on track. This whole divorce thing has turned our lives inside out and upside down. There's no question…


Trying to help my kids with some outside the box thinking thanks to @StarkParks

I was chatting with my friends at Stark Parks on Twitter this morning and I was reminded about the new Mindfulness Walk that was completed a few months ago. This is a walk through nature and it consists of 10 stations where you can stop, self-reflect and focus on your mental health. Ten stations promote relaxation, focus and awareness, reflection, and embracing the present moment. Examples include a zen sand garden, a musical instrument, stacking stones, and a labyrinth. It's beautiful and I've been meaning to get the kids out there all summer but it kept slipping my mind. I know the boys are having a very difficult time right now and I thought it might be the perfect time to help them unplug. Everyone was excited to go but Elliott. He was…

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In other news

In other news, Gavin's IVIG Infusion went well. I'm still batting a thousand in the IVIG infusions that don't leak category. Gavin's happy and it also means less pain for him as well. His infusion went pretty quick today. It took less than an hour in total and that's always a good thing. Sometimes it can take four hours or more and that makes him very anxious. Today's infusion was a success and I think Gavin did a fantastic job.


What a difference a haircut can make

Over the weekend, I was able to get Elliott a major haircut. He hasn't had a haircut this significant since Gavin's wish trip to Florida, and he wasn't happy about it then. His hair was getting out of hand and much harder to maintain. We stopped by on the way home from our train ride on Saturday and got it done. He was remarkably cooperative but his hair was cut shorter than what he was comfortable with. In order to quickly diffuse the situation, I pointed out that he had the same haircut as Season 1 Sam Winchester. Since he was dressing up as Sam for Halloween this year, his frown, quickly turned upside down.. Check out my handsome young man.