Gavin has been admitted

I wanted to update you all to the latest information on Gavin. Gavin was actually admitted once again to Akron Children's Hospital.  He's currently in the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit(EMU).  He was supposed to have his 72 hour EEG in the morning anyway. They decided to set him up tonight and run through Monday. While Gavin was in the ER,  he appeared to be having seizures in his sleep. At least this way,  he'll have them picked up on the EEG. I'm home with the other two boys right now and Lizze is at the hospital with Gavin.  We want to thank both sets of Grandparents for helping us with the boys today. It was very last minute and they made it work.  Thank you. I also want to thank everyone…


Akron Children’s Hospital, IV’s and Blood Work

Gavin has been examined,  had his blood taken and an IV put in place. He keeps getting these weird rashes,  all over his body that only last a few minutes and then show up somewhere else. I had just sat down to eat lunch when Gavin crawled down the stairs.  I'm so friggin hungry because I missed breakfast. My bowl of fruit and yogurt is sitting at home,  watching the screen saver on my TV,  not being eaten by me. :-( We are waiting for labs to come back and for Gavin's neurologist to either come down or call. The hospital doesn't seem to be very concerned about this but they also aren't familiar with Gavin and likely don't treat many kids with autonomic disorders.  Gavin's totally not himself and…

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Gavin was rushed to the ER at Akron Children’s Hospital

Please say a prayer once again for Gavin. We had to rush him tk the ER at Childrens due to what appears to be an autonomic crisis. He was laying down in his room, watching TV. Next thing I know, he was dragging himself across the floor because his chest was hurting so bad. I put a heart rate monitor on him and his heart rate was high. He became very disoriented and couldn't hold himself up.  That's it for right now.  We are at Akron Children's Hospital and Gavin is in a room.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy…


Another day another meltdown

It's no secret that this week has been crazy.  Unfortunately,  at least for me,  it's only going to get crazier because I'll have Elliott and Emmett for the next 3 days.  Lizze and Gavin will be at Akron Children's Hospital for Gavin's 72 hour VEEG, swallow test and tremor work up. I'll be at home chasing 2 little boys with #Autism that don't seem to get along right now.  Lizze will be with Gavin because it's easier for her than staying at home with the other 2 boys. I mentioned yesterday that I screwed my knee up pretty bad while at the Cleveland Clinic.  I just stepped funny and bam..instant pain. Anyway,  Gavin is not having a good day. He's had several smaller meltdowns already and he's simply not listening…

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A Lost and Tired video blog: Autonomic testing summary

As promised, this post contains a video blog I did this evening. It's not the best and I was really, really tired. My allergies have been driving me crazy and I'm lying down on the couch cause I screwed up my knee this afternoon. [youtube][/youtube]


#Autism and Autonomic Testing: Q-Sweat testing

Gavin is getting set up for what's called the Q-Sweat test. Basically,  they use electrodes placed on his arm,  leg,  ankle and foot.  They send a small electronical current to these four locations and stimulates sweat production.  There are also little tubes attached to the same area that collect up any sweat produced and sends it to a special machine for analysis. Gavin is doing well with this test as it can be uncomfortable. Ironically,  while they were calibrating the electrical current in his ankle,  it triggered a crazy amount of sweat in that location.  This has actually caused a problem and delayed the test.  Apparently,  this is unusual and we aren't sure why this is happening,  at least to this degree. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and…


#Autism and Autonomic Testing: Arrived in one piece

We just arrived to the Cleveland Clinic and have checked in. Gavin survived the car trip okay. Besides sleepy and pale,  he was fine.  Thank God for small favors. The testing process is two parts and will last at least two hours. Gavin ate breakfast but hasn't had anything else because eating is was triggers the blood pressure crashes,  at least most of the time.  Needless to say,  he's hungry and sleepy but in a good and hopefully,  cooperative mood. I've got a bunch of pictures because the Cleveland Clinic is an absolutely beautiful campus. Thank you all,  so very much for your support,  thoughts and prayers. I'm truly grateful and I will keep you all posted. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism…

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#Autism and Autonomic Testing: Packing our bags

Nothing ever goes smoothly in the Lost and Tired family.  So when Gavin has to be at the Cleveland Clinic for autonomic testing,  we're packing our bags,  just in case. Gavin is already unstable and the drive alone is going to be a challenge.  We were in the car for 20 minutes yesterday before his blood pressure suddenly crashed. He got sick to his stomach,  pale as a ghost and physically, couldn't hold himself upright. On a good day,  we can make it to Cleveland in a little over an hour. Because of Gavin's sensitivity to everything right now,  we are preparing for the worst. I'm packing a 5 gallon bucket for him to puke in and several changes of clothes for him,  ya know,  if he misses. Lizze has…