A heartfelt thank you

I wanted to take a minute,  before I fall asleep,  to say thank you.  Thank you for all the support you showed my family while Gavin was in the hospital. That was a very trying time for us and still is. We are still coping with the fallout.  Elliott and Emmett are still very overestimated and Elliott's anxiety is through the roof. We are trying to continue moving forward and will take life,  one day at a time. All your thoughts and prayers have been received and we're greatly appreciated.  Thank you so much for all the e-cards you showered Gavin with.  It was amazing seeing the outpouring of support for Gavin in the form of e-cards. We see you all as an extension of the Lost and Tired family.…


Happy birthday Lizze (2012)

I want to take a minute and wish my most amazing wife Lizze,  a happy birthday.  She does so much for our family that there is really no way to ever thank her for everything. My goal is to take her out next week,  after payday. It will likely never happen for a 1,000,001 different reasons. Such is life.  Lizze,  regardless of what happens,  I want you to know how much you mean to us.  Not a day goes by that I'm not grateful that you were born. We are so lucky to have you in our lives and I'm forever grateful for having met you,  even we can't agree on when our first date was. Happy Birthday to my best friend and mother of my children.  :-)  I love…


Tuesday night therapy: A conversation with Gavin

We had Tuesday night therapy with Dr.  Pattie tonight.  The topic for tonight was,  of course Gavin.  We also talked about Elliott and Emmett as well because they are both stressed out to the max.  They both love and feat their big brother Gavin,  and that's very difficult for them.  We say Gavin down and spoke with him about his behavior.  He immediately launched into the victim role but neither Lizze,  myself or Dr.  Pattie would bite.  We once again reinforced how much we love him and that we are only trying to help.  We explained that we are doing these things because if this behaviors continues as he gets older,  he'll end up getting arrested.  We absolutely don't want to see that happen. It's so frustrating and heartbreaking to…


Nature vs Nurture

I'm writing this post because I believe that we have reached a point in Gavin's life where but has become very clear that nature has won.  For those of you unfamiliar with nature vs nurture here's the best way I can explain it. Gavin's biological father is sociopath.  Most,  if not all of Gavin's psychological issues were genetic birthday presents,  from his biological father,  Nick.  The aspergers is likely linked to Lizze,  just to be fair. Without intervention,nature would like haveGavingrow up to be like Nick.  However, we had always hoped that by nurturing Gavin and providing unconditional love and support, we would be able to derail that plans that nature had in store for him. Does that make sense? Having said that, I want to make it clear that…


Share your favorite YouTube tribute to #Autism

So many times I have been asked what it feels like to find out your child has autism. I never really have the words but this is a song that really helped me after Emmett and Elliott were both diagnosed. I think it says more than I could. [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6cdPeYJh0s[/youtube] No that I've shown you mine, why not show me yours ;-) You can simply find your favorite video on YouTube that is autism related or makes you think about your kids and embed it in a comment below. Perhaps there is a song on YouTube that you just find inspiring and would like to share. I think this could be a really cool thing to do. We can all learn something about each others tastes and discover new and inspiring…


Autonomic Crisis: What we have learned

When Gavin goes through things like he did this past weekend,  majority of the time there is nothing learned.  Instead of finding clues as to why these things are happening,  we end up with more questions. This holds true for this most recent autonomic crisis. While we were left with many questions,  we did learn a few things. For starters,  the hospital was able to confirm that Gavin was not actually sick.  This means that everything he experienced was part of the autonomic crisis. This is actually a big find.    We learned that his MRI was clean,  which is good but still leaves a great many questions unanswered. Everyone involved at this point believes that whatever is behind this,  is at the mitochondrial level. Because of that,  Gavin has been…


And the meltdowns begin

Holy crap.  Gavin has only been home a couple hours and we are already in meltdown #2. He treated Lizze like garbage this weekend and did the same to much of the staff.  Gavin is back to his old self and that's both good and bad. I'm so happy he has stabilized and is home once again.  However,  the whole family could do just fine without the drama and meltdowns. Lizze felt very uncomfortable addressing Gavin's disrespectful behavior this weekend because everything was being monitored via numerous cameras throughout the room.  It was a bad situation but we told Gavin that when we walked out of the hospital,  he had a clean slate. Having said that,  he would be accountable for his actions from that point forward.  I do have…


We made it back home

We just arrived home from the hospital.  Everyone is absolutely exhausted and I can barely keep my eyes open. I'll give you all the details of what was decided and or discovered later on tonight.  **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.