We just hit a major milestone but I have mixed feelings

I've hit a pretty major parenting milestone. Elliott and Emmett are both in high school now and I no longer have any kids in grade school. We can take this a step further and also acknowledge that not only are they both in high school, but they're both in mainstream high school. I'm so proud of them and part of me feels like I've done something right as a parent, and the other part of me knows that the credit belongs to the two of them. It's so amazing to see them doing so well and I couldn't be prouder. There were plenty of times along the way when I would have never thought this possible, or in their best interest, and yet here we are. Just the four of…


I was just interviewed by Paul Cimins on the “Hope Saves the Day Podcast” – Check it out

I get interviewed on varies shows quite often and I always forget to share those links and the information about the show I was on. I want to help promote whatever show I'm on and it's also a cool way to learn a little more about me. I was recently on my friend Paul Cimins Hope Saves The Day radio show and podcast. Paul has been doing amazing things for a very long time. He founded the amazing charity Autism Radio. Paul is amazing and it was an honor to be on his insanely popular show. Stay tuned because I just had Paul on my podcast to share his story. That will be coming soon. ☺


The reality of being a single parent to 3 neurodivergent teenage boys while battling my own demons

It's been a roller-coaster week for me. The last month has been challenging for me on a number of levels and I'm trying to work my way through it. There's so much going on in my life at the moment and I'm trying to stay on top of everything. Work is keeping me busy, which is a great. Things are going well and business is growing. I just landed a major partnership that is honestly, kinda life altering for us. It's a long time coming and I'm very grateful for the opportunity. I'm so excited to get the ball rolling with that and I'll have more to share next week. All good stuff. I finally got in to see my primary care physician to discuss the results of my ADHD…


I don’t want to feel like this anymore

I have a doctor's appointment this morning to discuss managing my ADHD with medication.  This has been a long time coming and I'm excited/nervous.  We're also going to talk about my antidepressants as well. This is so important, especially as I'm continuing to struggle. I'm looking forward to putting some of this struggle behind me or at least becoming better equipt to manage it.  I don't expect it to be an easy, overnight change but rather a process.  It's going to take time but I will take back control over my life and continue moving forward. On my way to the doctor I don't want to feel like this anymore. It's awful and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Giving up isn't an option for me, so I need to…


He had a major meltdown this afternoon and I’m completely drained

It's been a frustrating week. I've been dealing with anxious kids, Gavin challenges, and now equipment issues with my podcast. I've been working on it today and couldn't get things working until almost midnight. Unfortunately, Friday's episode is going to be late as a result. I'm hoping to get it finished by shed up and out by end of the day Friday, or early Saturday at the latest. I want to end the week on a positive note, so I it's going to be a movie night with Gavin and Elliott. Emmett is spending the night at a friend's house. That's pretty exciting. He's stoked and I'm happy for him. The boys and I are going to watch The Man From Toronto for movie night. Gavin is actually pretty excited…


#Depression can be different for everyone but this is how it impacts me

I wanted to point something out about depression, at least as it applies to me. When I find myself in a darker place, I don't think I've ever had the urge to hurt myself, at least not that I can remember. When I'm struggling like I am, the struggle is not related to not wanting to live anymore. I struggle with things like getting out of bed, participating in life, focusing on the positive, getting to the gym, taking care of myself, sleeping, unhealthy eating, and a general loss of interest in many things I typically enjoy. Not everyone who's dealing with depression will struggle with suicidal thoughts. The reality is that we're all different and experience things in different ways. There are plenty of people who will struggle with…