Behavioral Crisis: Change of plans

We were ready to make the trip out to Youngstown to Belmont Hospital.  I said Belleview before but I had been watching Law and Order recently and they say Belleview all the time.  As we were getting ready to leave,  Gavin complained that his vision was blurry.  We don't know what that means and don't want to take any chances. We diverted to Akron Children's Hospital for help,  once again. The other place we were supposed to go to doesn't do medical care and because of Gavin's health issues,  he needs medical supervision.  I called them back and they agreed that this was the right thing to do.  So we have just arrived at Akron Children's Hospital and are waiting to meet with the PERK worker.  I don't remember what…

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The decisions been made: Please pray for my family

I want to thank you all,  so much for all the support.  I wanted to let you know what is happening at this point. We reported the change in behavior to his neurologist at Akron Children's Hospital,  as they had instructed us to do. They have referred us to a place called Belleview Pines,  in Youngstown.  It's about an hour and a half away and we have to be there by 5pm tonight.  The problem aside from the logistics I mentioned earlier is that because of Gavin's unique and we'll,  complex medical needs,  they may not be able to take him. However,  they can help us find a place that can. I have a few hours before I need to leave and I'll spend it trying to pull together resources…


Calling the police on your own child

Today is the worst day in Lost and Tired family history.  Gavin was caught lying after repeatedly being told not to do something.  Upon questioning,  he completely lost it. He had the worst meltdown I have personally ever seen. This meltdown included coming after me,  taking a swing at the dog and putting a hole in the wall.  There was self-injury and violence like we have never seen. It was so bad that I came extremely close to actually calling the police and having them remove him from the house.  That has never happened before and I feel sick to my stomach for even thinking about it. Lizze was in the phone with Dr.  Pattie who backed us up in the whole police thing.  We decided that he needs to…


The clean slate

It's no secret that we struggle with Gavin's behaviors. One of the things  that we do as often as safety allows,  is wipe the slate clean at the beginning of each new day. This basically means that what happened yesterday is in the past.  This allows us the possibility of moving forward. While this is not always possible or easy,  we do make a concerted effort towards providing him a fresh start every day.  Sometimes we can't because of the severity of the previous days events. Safety must always come first. By doing this,  I feel that we are teaching that mistakes happen and everyday is a learning experience.  The frustrating part of this,  at least for me is that,  Gavin never learns from his mistakes. Despite that,  we try…


The clicking sound my knee makes

I think I mentioned before that I hurt my knee while at the Cleveland Clinic last week with Gavin.  I just stepped wrong and that's all it took.  It really bothered me forbade few days but most of last week was one long adrenaline rush,  so I was able to play through the pain. My knee doesn't hurt anymore but I noticed last night that it clicks when I'm walking un the stairs. It kinda sounds like someone cracking their knuckles. It doesn't hurt though,  I guess that's a good thing.  I haven't walked at all since then and by walking I mean fitness walking,  not walking around the house.  I want so badly to get back into it but after discussing it with my better half,  we decided that…


Tough decisions that many won’t understand

There was a showdown in the Lost and Tired corral this afternoon.  Gavin has been having issues throughout the day, most of which we have let slide.  We did so to try and keep the peace. Lizze nor I have the energy to deal with meltdown, if it can be avoided. However,  as we were sitting down to dinner,  Lizze had asked Gavin a question. It was an it was a simple question and instead of answering her,  he screamed at her.  That was it,  I had run out of patience. When we spoke with Dr.  Pattie on Tuesday, we had decided that we must cracked down on his treatment of Lizze. His disrespectful attitude towards her will not be tolerated. It would be the same for any of the…


Meet Bella and Maggie

Bella and Maggie are more than our family pets.  They have become family members.  Bella in is pictured in the foreground and Maggie is in the background.  They are fantastic and bring a great deal of joy to the Lost and Tired family.  Bella is a pure breed brindle Boxer and has been with business since she was just 5 weeks old.  Maggie is a English Staffy with some Boxer thrown in the mix and has been with us for almost 4 years now. Maggie likes to be a foot stool.  She likes to lay on the opposite end of the couch and have someone,  usually me,  red their feet or legs on her.  Kinda weird but whatever. Bella likes to physically lay on or across people. It was cute…

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#Autistic Artwork: The Chameleon

The boys were playing with Play-Doh this afternoon.  Elliott created this fine piece of art.  It's a chameleon,  you might miss it if you don't look carefully.  ;-) I thought that was pretty darn creative. Nice job Elliott. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.