Attacking a special needs family

The police showed up at my house a few minutes ago.  Someone,  decided that we weren't going through enough already. They decided to create more drama and turmoil in our lives. A few years ago,  one of my neighbors from a few doors down was drunk and driving his car all over the neighborhood.  Up and down the allies and through people's yards.  One of those yards,  happened to be mine.  He drove through my yard with such speed that he literally sheered the Do Not Enter sign off, flush with the ground. He barely missed my car as well. I wrote about it at the time but can't find the post to link back to.  :-( The sign has set in my back yard since then. No one ever…


The desperately needed distraction

Lizze and the boys are extremely stressed out over this whole thing with Gavin. I have decided to try and give them a distraction from this recent trauma.  Trauma is an accurate word to describe what we experienced in Friday with Gavin. I'm taking the family out for the afternoon.  I don't know what we are going to do,  but I have to try and do damage control and give these guys a break from the stress. Hopefully,  I can pull us out of this rut. This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.  


Brothers reunited

Elliott and Emmett have been reunited this morning after a day or so apart.  Emmett was already sleeping last night when Elliott arrived home. Lizze is not doing well this morning so she is still sleeping.  Emmett came downstairs and and his little face lit up when he saw his big brother Elliott. They were both excited to see each other. We have to figure out a way to distract the boys from worrying about Gavin and when he's coming home. Hopefully,  we will figure out a way for all of us to regroup and recoup. This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me. -Lost and Tired Please join…


End of our rope

The impact of Gavin's behaviors are far reaching and long lasting.  Lizze is simply incredibly stressed out. I don't ever remember seeing her this bad. She's really struggling with this because she loves Gavin so much but in truth,  she's afraid of him. This is in many ways,  her worst nightmare come true.  She had done everything superhumanly possible to provide Gavin with love,  compassion and acceptance.  She doesn't want Gavin to turn out the way his biological father did,  none of us do.. There is this ever present fear that nothing is going to change his course.  The future isn't predetermined and Gavin is still very young,  so he hold tightly to hope.  Having said that, his behaviors are scary,  for all of us,  and they continue to escalate.…


Explaining to a 6 year old why his brother can’t come home

Elliott just came home from Cleveland tonight and wanted to know why Gavin isn't coming home. We never told Elliott that Gavin was going to the hospital.  Elliott was surprised to find out that Gavin wasn't home. How do you explain to a 6 year old little boy with autism,  that his big brother is locked up in the psych unit? I've never had to do that before and I wasn't sure what I was supposed to say. I aways dislike moments like this because no matter what I say,  Elliott is going to be upset. This was my explanation to him.  I wanted to make it something that he would understand and relate to. I told him that Gavin is sometimes like the Hulk. I explained that when Gavin…


Behavioral Crisis: Update 07/21/2012 (8pm)

We just received a call from the staff at Akron Children's Hospital.  Gavin is due for a booster shot prior to this coming school year. They wanted to know if we wanted them to give him the booster. We were like,  "heck yeah,  that would be awesome." It awesome because it won't go well and we don't have to struggle through that one our own now. On the other hand,  not that I want Gavin to experience pain,  but maybe he'll associate the shot with the psych unit.  That in itself may be a deterrent. Either way,  it needs to be done and honestly,  I'm glad we aren't the ones to have to do it.  This will also give them some more insight into his behavior. On the other,  other…


Walking a mile……

Elliott is with my parents,  in Cleveland this morning. He entered into his first ever marathon. He had a little number out ned to his chest and everything. He walked 1 mile,  with my parents and his great grandfather. I'm so proud of him and he did such a good job. This has been the highlight of my day.  I wish I could have been there but I had other obligations. Elliott,  Daddy is so proud of you.  Great job walking with your great Grandpa. :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do…


Behavioral Crisis: Update 07/21/2012 (2pm)

We finally made it home from the meeting this morning at Akron Children's Hospital.  This called a family session.  Basically,  we met with the social worker and medical staff.  The social worker met with us first and she was amazing.  We talked for about an hour or so before she brought Gavin into the room. She was extremely supportive they actually seem to have a grasp on at least some of what makes Gavin who he is.  They have accepted all the behavioral issues and are going to address.  This is really kind of a big deal because in the past,  we have always had to try and convince them of this stuff. When we met with Gavin,  he did pretty well.  He got frustrated a few times but maintained…