Please keep Gavin in your thoughts…again

I fear that we are in the verge of another autonomic crisis.  We are waiting to get his blood pressure meds refilled and so he's been out for about 3 days. Gavin has complained of blurry vision today already and is now having bouts of chest pain.  In the past,  all these have led to a few days in the hospital. Right now,  he's resting on the couch and watching TV. If his heart rate stays elevated,  we may have to take him in before he crashes. If you could please direct any and all healing thoughts or prayers in his direction,  I would be quite grateful.  I'll keep you posted. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help"…


The return to therapy

Mr.  Emmett John will be making his triumphant return to speech and occupational therapy this week.  You may recall that some idiot at the insurance company decided that Emmett has had 180 days to improve to the level of his typical peers.  Since he hasn't by this point,  we don't expect him to ever. Therefore,  all services will be discontinued. That's not the exact quote,  as I don't have the paperwork in front of me but that's pretty darn close to the exact words. It took me awhile but I went to bat for Emmett and appealed the decision and eventually won.  It however to several months to get all the paperwork to finally go through. The end result is that Emmett will be returning to most of his therapies…


Today’s #Autism Victory: The peanut butter sandwich

This is a pretty big victory for one Mr.  Emmett John.  He is a very, very picky eater. Today however,  he tried a peanut butter sandwich made on a hamburger bun. He ate the whole friggin thing.  This is climb is such an accomplishment for him because he so rarely tries new foods.  Great job Emmett, Daddy is soooooo proud of you.  I'm glad you liked you sandwich.   :-) Now we just have to focus on the wearing of clothes thing,  but one step at a time ;-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos.…


In front of the camera

Earlier this year, Gavin had pictures taken while he was in oncology having his antibody infusion. Actually, it was right after his infusion. These were taken and provided by Flashes of Hope, through Akron Children's Hospital. Lizze was able to convince Gavin to participate and this was the result. These are hands down the most beautiful pictures of Gavin...ever.. Thank you Flashes of Hopeand Akron Children's Hospital for helping to freeze this moment in time. :-)   [flagallery gid=10 name=Gallery]


How do you know your having a bad day?

So,  how do you know when your having a bad day?  I'd say that when you drive your car through the wall of a day care center,  it's a pretty safe bet that your not having a good day.  At least,  when this happened,  they were closed and nobody was injured. This happened a few blocks from my house. I don't know why they did this or how it happened,  ie DUI,  texting etc. However,  it didn't appear that anyone was hurt. When I passed this about 30 minutes later,  the car had been removed and there was a huge hole,  clean through the wall. It just goes to show,  that no matter how bad you think your day is going,  someone else's is going worse.  **Thanks for reading**  …


The green eyed monster

I've been meaning to write this for some time now.  For some reason, I just never got around to it. I was reminded recently and have decided to share this with you all now.  Over the past few weeks,  I've driven back and forth to Akron Children's Hospital countless times.  Gavin's been hospitalized 3 times in the last month or two.  During each stay,  I had to drive through downtown Akron on a Friday night.  I love my family and wouldn't trade them for anything in the world but goddamn if I'm not jealous of all the people I saw having fun on a Friday night. I remember those days,  although truthfully,  the memories are becoming more and more fuzzy. I miss having friends and going out on the weekends. …


Autistic works of art: The green turtle

I wanted to share with you all Elliott's latest work of art.  He was playing with Play-Doh this afternoon and sculpted a turtle.  He did a really good job and I'm very impressed with the level of detail in this piece. Oddly enough,  he never named it,  which is, know.....odd. He always names things that he creates.  Maybe he did and I just missed it.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.