The solution to all your noise problems

The Pitch I'm looking for investors to help me bring my dream to life.  That dream is to provide,  both my wife and I with some peace and quiet....on demand. The Problem Here's the problem. As a special needs parent,  I'm under a great deal of stress, each and every day. The noise in my house is enough to drive even the sanest of people, crazy. I find it very, very difficult to relax with the constant screaming,  yelling and/or whining. When I say constant I mean constant.  I think many of you out there in my target market can relate to this. It's a pretty straight forward problem and so it needs a pretty straight forward solution. The Solution In order to address this problem, I needed to understand it…


The frustrated father

This is one of those days days where I find myself overwhelmed and frustrated by all that goes into special needs parenting. As many of you know,  I'm a father to 3 special needs boys. All 3 are on the #Autism spectrum.  My oldest is very medically complex and my youngest has a rare fever disorder. Life is so complicated that at times I literally feel as though we will never get through this. What has me the most frustrated,  at least right now, is Gavin's health. Gavin is dealing with Asperger's, schizoaffective disorder, bipolar disorder, ptsd, conduct disorder, ocd, adhd, epilepsy, asthma, autonomic disorder, primary immunodeficiency, cognitive regression, memory loss,  neurological degradation and most likely mitochondrial disease.  As you can no doubt imagine, this presents many, many challenges in…


2 weeks and no meltdowns on the radar

This is the 2 week anniversary of the day Gavin was admitted into the psychiatric unit at Akron Children's Hospital.  It's also the same day of the most violent meltdown we have ever experienced in Lost and Tired family history.  However,  having said that,  it's also the last time we have seen a meltdown from him. Since that day,  Gavin has been making really,  really good choices.  Nothings been perfect,  but we aren't looking for perfect.  We are looking for same,  calm, cooperative and happy. Right now,  that's what he's giving up and I'll gladly take it.  :-) Fanfreakin-tastic Gavin,  keep it up.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This…


Last blood draw for the week

Today is Gavin's last blood draw for the week. So far his lithium levels have been perfect. We'll see if today's levels hold true. Truthfully,  I wish they had found them out of whack because at least we would know for sure something was wrong.  Now we are going to always wonder if the lithium issues were just a fluke or if we just didn't take the blood draws at the right time.  Make sense? While I'm glad Gavin doesn't have to endure any more needles for a bit,  I wish we had found some answers. Now we are left with many more questions and concerns.  :-( **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google…


My Life Beyond Labels

I'm super stoked to announce that Lizze is back up and running once again.  Her new site is called My Life Beyond Labels.  Please mark the change in your bookmarks so you visit her.  This has been a big change and one that was beyond our control. I want to thank Stuart Duncan,  Katrina Moody, Nicole Leebeck and Vet for all their help with brainstorming new ideas etc.  Stuart Duncan deserves a huge amount of credit for get the server side of things taken care of in a very short amount of time.  If anyone is in need of great hosting service,  Stuart is your guy.  Let me know and I'll get you in contact with him. :-) What are you still here for?  Get on over to My Life…


The challenge of feeding 3 boys on the #Autism spectrum

I have to admit that I find myself a bit frustrated this evening. In the Lost and Tired household,  as with many others,  the end of the month brings with it fewer options of meals,  at least until the next trip to the grocery store. This can be a particularly challenging time for me because it's hard to feed these guys when I have a plethora of options. However,  when we reach this time during the month and I have fewer and fewer options to offer these guys,  it becomes really frustrating.  Gavin is by far,  the easiest to please.  He's open to trying new things and is happy with peanut butter and jelly. Emmett and Elliott are far more picky and very difficult to feed, especially when we are…


#Autism and The Anger Management Cheat Sheet

First of all, I want to say that this was totally Gavin's idea. He's wants to share something that is helping him to manage his anger and frustration. I really think he likes the idea of being able to help other kids that are challenged by anger and frustration. I'm really proud of him. :-) Here's a little background. This came about the other day while at therapy. Because Gavin is struggling with neurological degradation, one of the issues is that he has lost some control over his tongue. This means that sometimes he can be difficult to understand. This can be very frustrating for him, especially if someone asks him to repeat himself.  That's what prompted him to work with his  speech therapist and create this list.  He came up…


Medicating #Autism

I wanted to open up a dialogue about #Autism and medication. I receive many emails asking for advice about whether or not I think it's okay to medicate their child for #Autism related behavioral issues etc. I wanted to open this up to discussion.  What is your personal experience with deciding whether or not to medicate your child, for whatever reason? What were your concerns? Was your doctor helpful? Have medications benefited your child or not? I think this is an important topic because so many of us struggle with deciding whether or not to medicate our child. Hearing from other parents can really be a positive thing, regardless of opinions. Knowing that your are not the only one that has had to make this difficult decision can be comforting.…