As time slips through my fingers

As a father,  I know my kids are going grow up.  However, sometimes it feels a little too fast. In this picture,  Emmett,  my just turned 4 year old,  is playing his 3DS.  He looks so grown up with his headphones on,  doesn't he? It amazes me how quickly time slips through my fingers.  I remember watching his birth as though it were yesterday. Now he's getting himself dressed, wearing flip flops and playing his 3DS. I'm so proud of him but also wishing I could slow down the passage of time,  so these moments lasted forever. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy…

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Another shooting occurred last night

Last night was a nightmare with all the noise from the people waiting for the parade. I heard several explosions, which turned out to be a string of M100's tired together with duct tape and left to explode in the middle of the street. However, some of the explosion type noises I heard turned out to be someone getting shot, half a block from my house. I don't have anymore details, as I was just informed by my neighbor. I'll hear more about it sooner or later. I don't know what happened, who was shot or if they survived. I am going to keep that person and their family in my thoughts this weekend. Life is far to precious for people to so callously end another's life. This really makes me…


Please keep Emmett in your thoughts ;(

Mr. Emmett John has hit yet another fever flare. This flare less fever and more mouth sores. He's absolutely miserable and I would greatly appreciate it if you would please keep him in your thoughts over the next week or so. On the positive side, at least he's not battling a high fever as well. That means that he's not confined to the house for the duration. These cycles really suck for him but they do appear to be getting better over time. Hopefully, this is an indication that he's out growing this disorder. At least we have that......


Can you imagine having 3 boys on the #Autism spectrum and living a parade route?

I don't have to imagine,  I'm there right now.  It's 9am and my kids are already over stimulated. The noise rattles the windows and even I can feel that same noise. I can only imagine what this must me like for my kids.  Since I can't take the parade out of my neighborhood, I'll just have to remove my kids until it's gone. Now I just need to figure out something to do with 3 extremely overstimulated kids and a wife with a migraine. Have I mentioned that I detest Hall of Fame Week?  If not, or you missed it,  I HATE Hall of Fame week.........   **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play…


Today’s #Autism Victory: Snuggle Bugs

Check out my two snuggle bugs.  They are actually getting along and that makes me feel good.  It doesn't happen nearly often enough but when it does,  I truly appreciate it. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.


I HATE Hall of Fame Week

I really hate Hall of Fame week,  more and more each year. I live very,  very close to the Pro Football Hall of Fame,  here in Canton Ohio.  Once a year,  it seems like the entire country makes it way into my back yard. This morning is the famous Hall of Fame Parade.  I basically have box seats from the 2nd floor porch,  as we are on the parade route.  People have been camping out on the sidewalks and tree lawns all day and all night in anticipation of this mornings parade.  Who does that? They leave there trash everywhere and are extremely loud and inconsiderate all night long.  I would absolutely love to see the City of Canton use 1% of what they spend on Hall of Fame Week…


Woke up at 3am to the ice cream man

It's about 3am and I was just sleeping a few minutes ago.  However,  while I was dreaming,  I started to hear this strange summer sound.  At some point it actually woke me up because I realized what it was.  It was the friggin ice cream man.  That right,  I was woke up at 3am in the mother friggin morning to the goddamm ice cream man. I hate Hall of Fame week. I have heard this guy circle the block at least twice now and I swear to God if any of my kids wake up because of this,  I'm probably not going to be in a very good mood.  If anyone is going to wake up, it'll be Elliott.  He has this weird radar for the ice cream man and…


The Lighter Side of #Autism: Does it get any cuter?

I took a few pictures of Mr.  Emmett John this evening,  while at Grandpa's birthday party. I don't think it could possibly be any cuter. Emmett has been having a rough couple of days but he had a blast tonight and even played with Grandpa's gag gifts.  :-) This was truly an evening that qualified as the Lighter Side of #Autism. :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.

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