What day is it?

How sad is it that I have to either look at my phone,  or really, really think about it too know what day it is? It seems like everything is just blending together anymore. Not sure if it's stress,  exhaustion or a combination of both. All I know is that the days no longer have that distinct feel to them. It used to be that a Wednesday felt distinctly different than a Tuesday or a Thursday. Now,  as things continue to become more and more complicated,  everything just sort of melts together and each day loses what made it stand out from the rest. Anyone ever notice this,  or isn't just me? **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism…

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#Autism, nightmares and unable to sleep

Emmett just woke up and was having a really bad nightmare. I have no idea what it was about but he's really upset. He climbed into our bed and fell back asleep. He hasn't done the whole nightmare things in awhile. If I had to guess,  it was about Bella. The fact that she isn't home stresses him out. For that matter,  Maggie having similar issues as well. Right now,  they're two peas in a pod. Back to sleep, at least for a bit.... **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how…


Autonomic Crisis: What’s next

On August 28th, Gavin returns to the Cleveland Clinic for most of the day.  In the morning,  Gavin will have skin biopsies done. My understanding is that they want tissue samples from various places on his body.  Apparently they are able to identify some issues by looking at the nerve cells on a microscopic level. About 4 hours later,  we will be on the other side of the hospital meeting with Gavin's autonomic specialist. We were supposed to originally be there at 4pm this afternoon,  but by waiting, we can get everything done in one day.  Plus,  Bella comes home today and can't be left alone.  Making both appointments for the same day just makes more sense. At this point it's frustrating,  but the only thing we know is that…


This is friggin hilarious

If you've had a crappy day or could just use a laugh, check out this video of Will Ferrell on Conan the other night.  It's really funny and I hope it helps you burn off some stress.... [youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuwgoIFgQpY[/youtube]

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What $60 buys at the farmers market

The Lost and Tired family has been moving into the whole foods lifestyle over the past few months.  We are trying to eliminate as much processed foods as possible from our lives. This is not am easy task but one that is worth the challenge.  Today we visited the Hartville Flea Market and stocked up on fresh fruit,  turkey and chicken breast. In the picture below,  you can see all the fruit we managed to aquire today for $60. They are as follows: 1) 2 Flats of Strawberries 2) 6 lbs of red,  seedless grapes 3) 4 lbs of black or purple seedless grapes 4) 2 lbs of fresh green beans 5) 10 lbs of fresh peaches 6) 10 lbs of fresh plums 7) 4 lbs of bananas (for freezing)…


A rock and a hard place

The perverbiall shit just keeps hitting the fan. Gavin has injured both Elliott and Emmett today with his impulse issues. He headbutted Elliott this morning and kick Emmett square in the face this afternoon. No one was seriously injured but that's not really the point. No one should have been injured at all. Gavin is just flailing around and not paying attention to what's going on around him.  The first time we went easy on him but it happened again so we are going to have to take a different approach this time.  Lizze is having near syncopal episodes lately.  Basically,  she will either stand up from the sitting position and get so dizzy that she almost blacks out. This also happens while she's walking as well. Yesterday, we had…


Bella’s out of surgery

I wanted to let you all know that Bella is out of surgery and doing well.  We will be able to pick her up,  first thing in the morning. The boys miss her tremendously and can't wait to have her home again.  She will be down for about 7 to 10 days. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers today. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.

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#Autism, impulse control and collateral damage

Gavin has been having a rough morning.  Not so much in the way of behavioral issues per say,  but rather controlling his body.  Gavin had earned back the ability to help his brothers with video games,  something he greatly values.  The problem is that Gavin is literally running all over the place.  He seems to have lost his walking feet and as a result of him racing to get to the game controller before Elliott did,  he smashed Elliott in the face with his head.  Elliott's cheek swelled up a bit and he was in pain.  However,  he'll live.  The problem is that this was completely avoidable.  Gavin just can't seem to slow down. We decided that for the rest of the day,  TV and video games will be unavailable…