How to deal with #Autism and violent behavior

I'm frequently contacted by parents because they are overwhelmed, frustrated or just, Lost and Tired.  The problem is frequently related to violent behavior associated with their child diagnosed with #Autism or #Aspergers. Let me be very,  very clear.  I'm by no means stating that all kids with #Autism or #Aspergers,  present with violent behaviors.  However,  some kids do and when they do,  what are you supposed to do? How do you address this type of behavior? What happens when you are a victim of physical outbursts?  How are you supposed to respond when your child hits,  kicks, bites, pinches or simply calls you names? This is a very serious topic and I'm asking that you all share your personal experience.  You never know when something that you have learned could…


Autonomic Crisis: Update 08/10/2012 (11am)

Alright,  I just got off the phone with Lizze.  Basically,  Gavin crashed on the car ride up to have his monthly antibody infusion. His heart rate was all over the place.  He was ashen gray,  nauseous and extremely dizzy.  When they arrived at Akron Children's Hospital,  Gavin's nurse from oncology met them with anti-nausea medications. Once out of the car,  Gavin stabized.  They are proceeding with his antibody.  However,  the process is going to take an extra hour today as they are going to use a slower drip to hopefully help Gavin's system to handle the infusion. I'll keep you all posted.  Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at…


Please keep Gavin in your thoughts and prayers

Gavin crashed on the way up to his infusion this morning. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.


Creating new consequences

In the advent of Gavin's continuous disrespectful behavior towards Lizze,  we have had to come up with a new set of consequences. It was recommended by Dr.  Patti,  that we not lose the oatmeal consequence,  but instead,  build off of that. One of the things we are trying is having him write. Yesterday,  he did this for the first time.  It didn't seem to bother him and I know that because he flat out told us that it did the bother him to have to write. Back to the drawing board I suppose. :-( **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy…


Like she’s not even there

I noticed something today that I find disturbing on many levels. If Gavin isn't disrespecting Lizze he completely ignores her. It's like he gets angry when he has to engage with her and maybe that's where the disrespect comes from. If he needs something and Lizze and I are both in the room,  he will walk right by her and ask me. The other day he was sitting at the table playing with his brothers, while Lizze sat with them supervising. I was walking out the door to run to the store. He wanted something and instead of asking Lizze,  he tried to catch me before I walked out the door. It made absolutely no sense at all. It's honestly like he wants nothing to do nothing her. I don't…


#Autistic Lego Creations: Treasure Hunter 2

Gavin updated his treasure hunter ship with new pieces and wanted to share it with you all again. I'm always happy to support these positive things he likes to do.  I'm also proud to share them with you as well. **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.


#Autism does not mean emotionless

I think theres a very common and very inaccurate misconception about people with #Autism.  Many people think that children and adults with #Autism somehow are incapable of feeling or showing emotions.  I want to point out with a specific example how this is not necessarily true.  Emmett absolutely loves his dog Bella. He shows her empathy and compassion as she's recovering from her recent surgery.  He missed her while she was gone and was overjoyed upon her return. He's concerned that she's in pain and worried that her boo boos aren't getting better.  It's so important to remember that simply because someone doesn't express or perceive emotions the same as you or I,  doesn't mean they are emotionless.  People are all different and feel and perceive the world in different…

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Tough love

I think many of us have heard the words Tough Love before,  but do we know what they really mean? I mean, can we really understand what it entails unless we have been there? In my humble opinion, I that Tough Love is different for every parent and family.  Everyone is unique,  as are their experiences. Having said that,  I do think there are similarities that connect us as parents who desperately love our challenging children and want nothing but the best for them. The primary issue with that many of us face is helping our children to stay on the right path. In the Lost and Tired family,  Gavin is obviously our child that requires Tough Love. To me,  that means that we have to do things that we…