A weekend without stress

Gavin has been gone for only a few hours but the overall stress level in the house is decreased. The boys are more relaxed and went to bed without any problems. I hate the fact that this is actually the case but it is what it is.  I plan on making the best of this weekend and at the same time,  trying not to feel guilty... **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.


Seen any sensory friendly movies lately?

Thinking about taking Elliott and Emmett to a movie tonight.  I was wondering is anyone has seen any movies with their kids lately that worked out well? I was looking at maybe Madagascar 3, or something like that.  Thoughts and ideas would be greatly appreciated.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.


Do you feel guilty sending your kids away?

I was just wondering if you ever feel guilty sending your kids away to family or even respite,  in order to get a break? Personally,  I feel guilty at times because I feel like I'm letting them down and that I should not need breaks.  However,  logically I know that there is nothing wrong with getting or needing a break,  even if it's from my kids. This came up today because we are getting Gavin out of the house for the weekend.  He's going to Lizze's parents tons pending some time with them. This will give the entire house a break from the constant blanket of stress that we are under when he is here. Personally,  I don't feel guilty for needing a break.  However,  Lizze feels horrible about wanting…


Today’s #Autism Victory: Peanut Butter and Marshmallow

Today Emmett surprised and impressed me by wanting to make his own lunch. He went into the kitchen and got everything he needed together,  with the exception of a knife.  I helped him with that part and he did the rest. Color me impressed because I am so friggin proud of him,  I can't even explain.  He actually ate half of the peanut butter and marshmallow sandwich he crafted.  He even used crunchy peanut butter as well.  :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working…


What is your “go to” food for you child with #Autism?

Many children on the #Autism spectrum can be very picky eaters.  I hear from my readers all the time about how difficult mealtimes can be.  I personally understand exactly what that's like.  Mealtimes can be an absolute nightmare in the Lost and Tired household.  This got me thinking.  Do you have any goto foods that you can fall back on when all else fails?  For example,  if all else fails in my house,  we can always fall back on chicken nuggets.  We always,  always keep them stocked and in the freezer.  If push comes to shove,  I can always nuke some nuggets and the kids are happy...usually. So what are your goto foods? Do your kids have any one food that they will always,  or at least most of the…


A boy with #Autism and his dog

I wanted to share with you all,  a photo compilation of Emmett's recent journey with his dog Bella.  For those new to our story,  Bella is Emmett’s pseudo service dog.  She's a pure breed Boxer puppy and just had surgery.  It wasn't anything major,  as she was simply getting spade.  However,  it turned into a much bigger deal when she had a very difficult time recovering.  She was back and forth to the Vet’s office 4 or 5 times,  due to complications.  The problem ended up being that she was so dedicated to Emmett,  that she wouldn't allow herself to rest.  She was hypervigilant and Gavin's numerous tantrums didn't help matters. Thankfully, as of yesterday,  she has made a full recovery and had her stitches removed.  Below,  is a series…


One of those nights

Last night was one of the most restless nights of sleep I've had in quite some time. At some point I ended up on the couch,  probably because of my my back. Lizze didn't fare any better as she's not feeling well. It's very likely to be an exceptionally long and trying day. Hopefully, things will turn around and I'll be proven wrong. :-) **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct is working against me.

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What happens when you punch a door?

During Gavin's tantrum yesterday,  he began punching his solid oak bedroom door.  He was hitting it hard enough that I thought he was kicking it. This is what he did to his hand.  He busted open his knuckles but no long term damage and no broken bones. He doesn't seem bothered by what I would think is a painful and very natural consequence for punching his door. I would hope that it would serve as a lesson for him but I know better than that. Sadly,  I know better than that.  :-( **Thanks for reading**        -Lost and Tired Please join our Autism Help Forum Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung's Galaxy S III.…

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