#Autism: Walking the line

I wrote a post yesterday about Emmett lining up his cars.  Later that afternoon,  I found what you see below.  Emmett had taken every shoe in the house and lied then all up.  When he ran out of available shoes,  he started talking them off my feet,  literally.  :-) He added a few toys to the mix and maybe a book or two as well.  This path,  when completed,  ventured through three rooms.  When he was down creating it,  he called them stones or rocks and proceeded to walk the line. I would be lying if I said I completely understand why he does this.  I can say,  however, that I completely support this.  I mean,  who's he hurting?  He's enjoying himself and no harm,  no foul,  right? Right! I…

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Psychiatric consult at the Cleveland Clinic

Today we begin a new journey.  Well,  it's more like a different direction as opposed to a new journey.  We will be venturing up to the Cleveland Clinic, puke bucket in tow, for a meeting with a new psychiatrist.  We are exploring our options because so much of Gavin's care is at the Cleveland Clinic already,  it might simplify things to make the switch. However,  at this point,  I think we are just looking for a consultation.  We don't question our current doctor at all,  but if we have reached the point of residential placement,  we want to make damn sure that we are doing the right thing.  This will be a second set of eyes if you will.  They've already confirmed his diagnoses last year.  However,  our go to…

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Good choices by Gavin: Missed Therapy

We decided at the last minute today that we were going to cancel Gavin's OT session today.  Elliott still had his but we just didn't send Gavin. The reason is because he has to survive 3+ hours in the car tomorrow.  The last time that he did therapy and a car ride the next day,  he got really,  really sick.  We are trying to avoid that situation.  Gavin was very much disappointed but took it in stride.  He could have very easily freaked out but he didn't.  That was awesome that he made good choices.  To reward him for his positive behavior,  I took both him and Emmett outside to play.  Both boys played with the dogs and had fun wearing Bella out.  I was also careful to make sure…


The “holy crap, I have to pee” signal

Gavin is having accidents every night now.  This is totally out of character for him.  This began about a year and a half ago but has steadily become worse. Originally we thought it was seizure related but I guess they have pretty much ruled that out.  At this point,  no one seems to know what's going on or what's behind this.  Right now its the usual suspects,  neurological or autonomic.  We are going to get him into the urologist to make sure that there isn't any other reason for this.. Maybe he's drinking to much,  but he has to.  The other thing is that the doctors think he may not be able to tell when he has to go potty.  The last few times he gave urine samples,  he filled…


Is Emmett ever having a bad day :-(

Emmett has been up from map for only and hour and yet that entire journey has been spent screaming.  I've made him a total of 3 different lunches,  none of which he actually ate. The poor kid is in a great deal of pain and a bit miffed that Gavin and Elliott have speech and OT this afternoon and he has to miss his appointment tomorrow because Gavin will be at the Cleveland Clinic. During his screaming,  one of the things that he's wanting, is to go to the movie theater.  I think I may try to take him to see Madagascar 3 for $1. That way when he inevitably wants to leave,  shortly after the movie starts,  we're only out $2.  This may just be the worst idea in…


What do you love and value most about your child with #Autism?

The past few days,  we have had some really good dialogs and I for one,  have learned a great deal from all of you.  :-) I thought for today's discussion,  we could lighten things up just a bit.  Let's talk about what we love and value most about our child or children with #Autism? This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy S III. Please forgive any typos. I do know how to spell but auto-correct hate me. Please join our Autism Help Forums Look for "Autism Help" app at the Google Play Store


Who cares if he lines up all the cars?

I'm sure many of you have seen things like this in your own home. :-) I'm not sure that I need to say anything else. I guess I could be sarcastic, and say something like, Emmett have #Autism?  I have no idea what you are talking about. :-) Finally,  to anyone that would have a problem with what he is doing,  I have to ask.  Who cares if he lines up all the cars? I don't.  He's not hurting anyone and he's enjoying himself. I'm proud of who he is and I love him.  I made the choice,  a long time ago,  to help him any way that I can but also to let me be,  who he is. This was posted via WordPress for Android, courtesy of Samsung’s Galaxy…


The domino effect

I want to talk about something I called the domino effect. The domino effect is what I have begun referring to the fall out of some of Gavin's behavioral choices.  Gavin is not responsible for all the challenges that the Lost and Tired family faces.  I want to make that very clear. Having said that,  I want to give you an example of what I mean by domino affect. When I was driving the boys home last night, after Lizze's parents met me at the hospital, Emmett became very upset. He was very distressed by the fact that Mommy was still at the hospital.  He told me,  if we leave her here,  the doctor will hurt her and turn her into a monster. Emmett's 4 years old. He had a…