How @LGUS totally saved the day for me and my kids

I just wanted to take a minute and give a shout out to my friends at LG Electronics. We had to replace our TV after about 7 years back in 2018. We would have kept going with what we had but it had finally died. I chose to stick with LG because we had been very happy with our LG Plasma and the LG LCD before that. I tend to stick with brands that have worked out well for us and we don't upgrade TV's very often at all. Anyway, a couple months ago, our new TV began having problems and it was pretty annoying. I don't have a great deal of control in my life right now and when I can address something, I prefer to do that, even…

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Finding the positives can be difficult when hearts don’t break even

I started a conversation on Twitter tonight because I needed some advice. I explained that I'm struggling a bit to find my footing as a newly single Dad. There's a lot of mix emotions and that makes gaining traction a bit harder for me. There are times when the positives as apparent and times where they are drowned out by pain, sadness and heartache. It's these times that I need help with. I simply asked my followers to help me come up with some positive things about being single. I'm struggling a bit trying to find my footing as a newly single Dad. I thought I would come up with a list of positive things about being single but I'm struggling with that. Can you help me come up with…

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Learning to be alone

The kids haven't quite been gone a day and I'm already struggling a bit. This probably doesn't make any sense but there are times that I really need a break but when I get the break, I find myself wishing the kids were home. I'm so used to not being alone or having any time to myself, that I don't like it when I get it. It's important that I find a way to take advantage of the downtime and get things done that need to be done or simply do nothing at all. I'm pretty much always doing something and sometimes it's okay to do absolutely nothing. If I'm being honest, I do okay on most days since my wife has left. I'm very focused on my kids and…


Why I gave up trick or treating with my kids this year for the first time ever

I realized something today but before I get into it, there's some background that you need to understand first. Ever since the day my kids were born, I've been a very, very hands on Dad. I'm with them every single day. I'm there when they go to bed and when they wake up (barring overnight trips to Grandparents). I take them to every single appointment they have and those appointments are many. I take them to and pick them up from school every day. While it's a great deal of work, I wouldn't have it any other way. One of the other things I've done every single year was take my kids trick or treating. There were years where the weather interfered or we were sick but outside of those…

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It was fun but I feel like I barely survived

It's been a really, really long day and I'm so ready to do to sleep. I wanted to share some of today's events first. I've got a few pictures to help illustrate today's journey. Let's start off with the car. I spent about 3 hours today, washing, waxing and detailing the entire car. It was a lot of work and my whole body hurts. I tried to get the kids to help but they weren't having it today. I'm pushing myself and trying to keep up with it because it's got to last for at least the next 5 years. It also adds a bit of normalcy to my life. She definitely cleans up nice, doesn't she.. ☺ My other claim to fame today was finishing up Emmett's Halloween costume…

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Totally Didn’t See That Coming

It's been a few days since I've written anything of substance about my life. There are reasons for that many of those reasons are simply life related. Life is not easy for families like mine and I am not an exception to that rule. I've been working as much as possible because we need the income and much of that is digital marketing and behind the scenes stuff. Nothing you would probably notice, like a new post. The kids have been struggling but at the same time, they're back to school regularly and I'm not getting ransom calls during the day anymore, telling me I have to come pick them up. That's hugely positive and I'm grateful for that because it's forward progress. Elliott has been emotionally distant. His body…

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Lindsay Fogarty: The Rare Disease Mom (New Pod S2E3)

In this week's episode of The Autism Dad Podcast, I speak with my good friend and fellow Autism parent, Lindsay Fogarty. She's an Autism, rare disease and patient advocate, as well as, a blogger and volunteer lobbyist. We talk about why she's called "The Rare Disease Mom", what her daily life is like, what she's doing to raise awareness and help others. This is a very powerful, uplifting and inspirational conversation. Go grab a snack and enjoy the great conversation. ☺Lindsay can be found at and on twitter @rarediseasemom Subscribe via your favorite app by clicking a button. :-) The presenting sponsor for this episode of The Autism Dad Podcast is Lakikid. Visit for more information. 

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What it means to be a father and why I adopted my son

A good portion of you probably don't know this because I don't advertise it, but exactly 11 years ago today, my life changed forever. Shortly before lunch on October 22, 2008, I stood before Judge Dixie Park, sobbing like a baby, barely able to mutter a word, as I officially adopted Gavin. He didn't understand what was going on, but Lizze and I certainly did. For those who don't know, Gavin is Lizze's son from her first marriage. I've been raising him as my own since he was just over a year old. Every year I share the letter I wrote the judge, explaining who I was, who Gavin was, and why I wanted to adopt him. I'll let the letter speak for itself. Have a great night.. ☺ October…