I’m not ready for this but I have no choice

The boys got to school on time but I didn't go walking because we were rained out. As a result, I spent the morning editing audio for Friday's podcast release. You can get caught up here. I'm really excited about the next two episodes because they are with incredible organizations that do amazing work in the community. I was able to get most of the audio done while Gavin was sleeping this morning. At the moment, we're currently waiting for the kids to walk out of the school. They've been having a much easier time going recently and that's always positive. As I mentioned before, it's going to be a short week. Thursday we have parent teacher conferences and to be completely honest, it's going to be a very uncomfortable…


I feel like I’m finally beginning to catch my breath

I'm exhausted. I'm so tired I forgot to bake pepperoni rolls before going to bed tonight. I suddenly remembered and dragged myself downstairs to get that done. It only took about an hour, so not a huge deal. There wouldn't be time in the morning. It's been a really positive day. At least, that's how I feel anyway. I recorded an interview this morning with an absolutely amazing organization out of New Jersey, that is devoted to the special needs community. I was speechless at times during the interview because I'm so amazed by what they're doing. That will air next Friday. After the kids got home from school today, I had a second interview. The kids did amazingly well in the let Daddy work department today. I'm both grateful…


I’m so insanely f*cking proud of my kids this weekend

I wanted to share something cool that happened while at the grocery store this weekend. I'm always working with my kids on life skills and putting them in real-world situations, so they can learn to navigate life. Grocery shopping presents many such opportunities and I took advantage of one yesterday. As I've mentioned several times, I'm making the boys homemade pepperoni rolls for their school lunches. I buy pizza dough and sliced sandwich pepperoni every week and bake them fresh every other day. While at the store, I asked Gavin if he thought he could go to the deli and order 1lb of thin sliced, sandwich pepperoni. He said he'd try. I stood back as a reasonable distance and watched him. I was close enough that I could help him…

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I know some won’t agree with my approach and frankly, I don’t f*cking care

Man, I didn't sleep well last night. Emmett ended up in my room pretty early on. He tried for hours to fall asleep in his bed but couldn't. As soon as his head hit the pillow, after returning to my room, ahe was out like a light. He's really struggling with feeling safe and there's a fine line between enabling that fear and helping him to work through it. I don't feel comfortable banning him from my room at night. He's been traumatized twice now and is terrified that I'm going to leave him too. How do I turn him away and force him to sleep in fear? At the same time, this obviously can't go on forever and I personally need him back in his own bed at night.…

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A simple act of kindness towards a fellow #Autism parent

I was at the grocery store today with my kids. Walmart to be exact and the kids were doing pretty well. I was a little frustrated with them but truthfully, that's more on me and less than them. We were at the register, unloading the massive amount of groceries so they could be scanned and bagged. Behind us in line was a mother and her adult son. If I had to guess, I would say the son was in his twenties. What caught my attention however, was the fact that her son was Autistic. As a parent to three Autistic kids, I can usually tell. Everyone is different but there's times when I can just tell. I think many Autism parents possess that same skill set. The mother had silver…


It’s a start

I knew going into my first night sleeping alone, that it would likely be short-lived. I was right. I fell asleep around midnight and Emmett was still in his own bed. When I say I was alone in my bed, Ruby was there. She likes to sleep under the blanket, right up against my back. She's so tiny that you wouldn't know she was there if you didn't know she was there. About 3 AM, Emmett woke up and came running into my room. He made it longer than I thought he would do and while he didn't make it through the night, progress is progress. We're going to keep trying and someday, we'll make it through the night.


I’m finally sleeping alone tonight

I've been feeling a significant amount of anxiety today and it came to a head after dinner. The kids have been at each other's throats all day and Gavin will not stop talking about whatever floats into his brain. It's a lot to deal with on top of everything else. I'm pretty sure that I'm experiencing little panic attacks. I feel heart palpations and I have to really work to calm myself. Unfortunately, there's no escape from the stress and nowhere to hide. That being said, I decided that I need my bedroom to be my sanctuary. I need it to be a safe place for me to escape to when I need a time out. That means that I need to get Emmett to transition back to his own…

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OMG, it looked like a f*cking crime scene

It's been a really, really, really long night. Both the boys are home from school today for weird reasons. Well, Elliott's got a sinus thing and the drainage is making him sick to his stomach. He was up all night. To make things more fun, about 3AM, Emmett's nose exploded all over my bed. He gets nose bleeds sometimes and there's no reason for them. They're sorta spontaneous and unpredictable. We think it's related to his allergy meds drying him out too much. It's a pretty fine line between managing his allergies and this. Emmett finally fell asleep under a mound of blankets. Have you ever seen those movies where the guy goes to sleep and wakes up to the other side of the bed covered in blood? Yeah, it…