There’s always a tradeoff at least it seems that way
There's always a tradeoff at least it seems that way
There's always a tradeoff at least it seems that way
My kids were totally driving me crazy tonight
I don't know if you remember but my calendar got messed up and has sorta left me flying blind as I'm piecing it back together. Apparently, this morning is going to be one of those double booked kinda days. I am supposed to have Maggie at the vets office around 9:30 AM to get her stitches removed. Unfortunately, I also have to have both Gavin and Elliott at Dr. Reynolds office at the very same time. Both boys are supposed to see different people at the exact same time. I'm not sure how I'm going to pull this off just yet but I something has to be rescheduled..
Nothing is going as planned this morning.. Elliott and Gavin are doing pretty well and they are ready to make the trip to the immunologist in Cleveland. Emmett on the other hand, is another story completely.. Anxiety is definitely getting the better of Emmett today. He's refusing to go to school because he doesn't feel well. He says that he feels like he's going to throw up. Maybe he doesn't feel well. Maybe he's actually getting sick. Then again, maybe he's not. What I suspect is that his stomach ache is the result of him being anxious about going to school by himself, without his big brother Elliott. I think he's experiencing anxiety, which we all know can upset ones tummy. Emmett has been hysterical this morning and frankly,…
We started out having such a good day but all good things must come to an end. 😫 The boys have been fighting for last few hours and I'm reasonably sure that my sanity hopped the last train to crazy town about 30 minutes ago. The fighters are Elliott and Emmett. They are just pushing each other's button like a boss. Gavin is driving me crazy for a much different reason. He's forgetting everything and I'm so tired of repeating myself this evening. I'm essentially having to micromanage Gavin's life during the day and I hate doing that. Gavin's level of functioning has been significantly reduced over the last couple of months and we lost much of the progress that's been made this past year. 😞 The boys and…
I know I'm a bit behind on updates for yesterday but I'll catch up later today. This has been the longest day ever or at least in recent history. There were things that went very wrong and things that quite frankly, were absolute blessings. More on that stuff later though. I've been working on rebuilding the Guardian Locate website from scratch. It's a process that's can be quite tedious and frustrating but needs to be done. Anyway, I went to bed about 1:30am and I feel like I was out before my head hit the pillow. Next thing I know, I hear screams for help coming from Elliott and Emmett's bedroom. This was the kind of scream that made me think someone had come into the house and was…