Our summer is NOT getting off in the right foot

I don't know what the deal is, but both Elliott and Emmett are not doing well. Health-wise they're fine, but emotionally they're like two freight trains ready to derail at any moment.  Maybe the transition to summer break was harder on them than it typically has been in the past? Maybe it's related to the weather?  Regardless of the root cause, I'm already at my wits end.  Lizze came home and relieved me for awhile. Now she's resting for a bit before we take the boys to the park, weather permitting. I want to go walking, and Emmett has about half of a mile left to go before one of his Pokémon eggs hatches. I'm hoping that will be the motivation he needs to willingly go along with this. Gavin's…


We had 4 MAJOR #Autism related hurdles to overcome this morning 

Lizze and I had an interesting night. We realized at about midnight, that the boys actually have school today. For some reason I had it stuck in my chronically sleep deprived brain, that they didn't go back until Tuesday..  That realization sent us into a panic because there are very specific things that absolutely must be in place each morning before school, or things won't go well. It was midnight and we were not prepared for the boys to return to school in roughly eight hours.  There were several issues we had to find solutions for, before we could go to bed.  For starters, we had planned on getting their school clothes washed and ready today, because they wouldn't need them until tomorrow. This new tidbit of information, sent us…


It’s been a really rough morning

Today began way to early because Emmett climbed into our bed after a bad dream and essentially banished me.   A bit later, he moved back to his room but then to the hallway where he likes to sit and play his tablet.   The next thing that I know, he was delivering a message from Gavin.   At some point last night, Gavin had experienced something very unpleasant.. I won't go into details but I will say that I don't know if this is just one of those things or if we need to worry about.   Please keep Gavin in your thoughts and prayers. . 


Feeling quite overwhelmed by my three kids on the #Autism Spectrum today and here’s why

The boys are out of control today.  It's like every single one of their proclivities are in full affect. I'd swear it was a full moon and I don't even know if I believe that the Moon can impact people in that manner. Gavin is off fighting a battle in another Universe and he seems to have been victorious because he was super excited to share that he had successfully removed the device from within Social.  Eggman and Zurg had planted this device in Sonic when they had him as a prisoner. Anyway, it's taken weeks for Gavin to figure out how to remove this device without killing Sonic.  Thankfully, he was able to remove it using the sacred song of the Gods of Mobious. If you are asking yourself…