Some really good news on the medication front

 Awhile ago I told you how we had to switch pharmacies. Our insurance company dropped coverage with Walgreens and so we had to move to a new Pharmacy. We originally began the move because of the issues we were having with Gavin's meds getting screwed up so often.   The new Pharmacy has a way of dispensing the meds where they are broken up into the morning, afternoon, evening and bedtime then vacuum-sealed in a little package.  This means that there's one pack for morning meds and one packet for bedtime meds. This makes it so much easier especially when you're managing so many different medications at one time. Unfortunately, when the boxes get set up, it takes some time to get everything worked out.  This is because they have…


Progress has been made on the medication management frontĀ 

So I've mentioned before that we had switched to a new pharmacy because of all the problems we've had with Walgreens.  This new pharmacy can prepackage medications into daily doses and that eliminates the need to put meds together manually.   The first month we used this service, it was pretty rough because the meds were not correctly divided or weren't included because of refill dates.   We just began the second month and are much farther ahead this time around.   Elliott's and Emmett's box is perfect.  All I need to do is simply tear of the little packet off and dispense the medications.  It's so much easier.  Gavin's is almost perfect as well.  There are only two things left to fix and that will be done by next…