1 rule we have for starting our kids on a new medication

When it comes to either beginning new or making significant changes to a medication in regards to our kids, there's always one rule that we follow whenever it's possible. My wife and I never like to make changes to medications during the school week. There are some times when it doesn't matter or it's medically necessary to begin a medication during the week, but for the most part we like to wait. The reason for this is very simple. We take medicating our kids very seriously and when it's deemed necessary to put one of our kids on a medication, we want to insure that they don't experience any side effects. In order to do that, we need to monitor them closely for changes. Again, I'm talking about medications that…


We don’t medicate our kids all willy-nilly

Today worked out pretty well, at least better than expected. Gavin goes to my parents every Wednesday and spends a few hours hanging out. This gives Lizze and I a reprieve from all the talking. Something had come up for today and he wasn't going to be able to go but last night, my Mom sent a text that we were still on. I knew Gavin would be excited because all week, he's been talking about how Grandma has to go out of town and he won't be able to go on Wednesday. My Mom picked Gavin up and Lizze and I took the boys to their doctors appointment. Not having to drag Gavin along, made it much easier and worked out well considering how challenging the boys ended up…


Gavin’s side effects are getting really bad and it breaks my heart 

I think I need to stop allowing Gavin to come with me to pick up the boys from school. Unfortunately, his bladder issues have gotten to the point where he really can't ride in a car for more than a couple minutes.  We've been sitting here for 20 minutes and he's almost had three accidents. He's had to run into the school three times already.  The school is a five minute drive from our house and he tried the bathroom before we walked out the door but still also had three accidents on the way.  Right now I'm having him walk up and down the little alley by the school to help him manage this for now. It seems to help but not much.  He wants to be here really…