What to do after being in a car accident with your kids

We don’t want any harm to come to our children. That’s why we take drastic measures in ensuring they’re safe and protected. Whether you’re at home, or you’re enjoying a family day out we always put our children’s safety first. This instinct also applies to traveling in the car. We make sure our children have car seats that are the right size and that are fitted correctly. We try to keep them calm, take regular breaks and don’t take any unnecessary risks. But, when someone else causes a road accident, and you and your precious cargo are sent spinning before you’re violently jolted across the road, most parents feel utterly helpless. Being caught up in a car accident that wasn’t your fault with your children involved is a terrifying experience…


It’s Time To Look After Your Kids’ Teeth

Oral hygiene includes all the actions for the care of the teeth such as the removal of the microbial plaque and the maintenance of an environment that prevents the manifestation of diseases of the teeth, the gums and the oral cavity in general. For your kids, keeping their teeth healthy for as long as possible is going to be vital. During these times, going to the dentist has been prohibited but it’s even more important, during Covid, to look after your kids’ teeth. Once it is safe to go outside, you should bring your kids to see a dentist for professional care. Kids can be tough to convince to go to the dentist, mainly because they think dentists and general doctors are the same; the fear of doctors surpasses kids;…


Creating An Eco-Friendly Home For Your Family

Creating a beautiful home for your family is an ongoing project, you’ll want to get the interior design work right, create a safe place, and to keep your home eco-friendly. With these top ideas creating an eco-friendly home needn’t be a chore. pexels 1. Choose eco-fabrics When we are decorating our homes, we need to pick out plenty of fabrics. From sofas to curtains, cushions and tablecloths, be sure to choose fabrics that are eco-friendly. A few options include: Soy cashmere: Soy fabric is made using soybean hulls; these hulls would otherwise go to waste in food production. Soy plants have minimal impact on the environment during the growing process, and they are also compostable. Soy cashmere is well regarded for its UV resistance and antibacterial properties. Bamboo: Bamboo absorbs…

Read more about the article How to Maintain a Stunning Garden as a Busy Parent
Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels.com

How to Maintain a Stunning Garden as a Busy Parent

As a busy parent, it’s a win if you can keep the kitchen clean for more than five seconds. Other areas of the home, like the garden, just seem to take a back seat more often than not. That is such a big mistake. Not because it’s a chore, you need to check off on your list, but because your garden is an oasis of wellness. Getting out there and yes, even working to maintain it does wonders towards your wellbeing and mental health. Make it your downtime hobby, and get your family involved. With this excellent guide, you’ll be able to do it all, no matter how busy you are as a working parent or full-time caretaker. Photo by Jill Wellington on Pexels.com Get Your Children Involved If you…

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Sleeping Tips for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Raising a child with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) poses many unique challenges for you as a parent. Sleeping Tips for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) One of the most commonly affected areas involves sleep. Good sleep during pregnancy is certainly important, but so too is adequate rest postpartum and into childhood for both you and your child. As your child ages, lost sleep usually results from their inability to sleep. If they can’t fall asleep, have bad dreams, or wake up frequently, then they may wake you up directly or indirectly through the noise they make. Making matters worse, they’ll suffer from the effects of poor sleep. Losing even a few hours of sleep is enough to cause negative effects on their mood, energy, and cognitive skills, especially for…


My personal struggle with #depression

I mentioned yesterday that depression is becoming more of a struggle for me lately. Monday was pretty rough for me but yesterday was a little better. It's so hard to describe what this is like, especially if you've never experienced depression before. I can say that it impacts pretty much every aspect of my life and that motivating myself to do anything is pretty fucking difficult. It's not laziness at all and it fucking drives me crazy when people assume that. It's more like thinking about doing anything is so overwhelming that it's crippling. I know that's hard to understand. There are times that I get stuck inside my own head and that's not always the most friendly place for me to spend time. When I'm in my head, I…


4 Tips to Keep Your Family Healthy

4 Tips to Keep Your Family Healthy There are many jobs that you are going to need to take on as a parent. Some are harder than others, but they all need to combine to help you and your family stay safe, secure, healthy, and happy. It may sound like an impossible job, but the truth is that, once you get into a good routine, things will start to fall into place and come much more naturally. It’s getting into that all-important routine that is the important part, and that can be hard, especially if you have other commitments. One of the things that you must always make time for, but which, when you actually look more closely into it, is something that can do everything we have mentioned above,…


5 Ways To Manage Chronic Pain

Pain is an indicator given to you from your central nervous system to let you know that there is something wrong. Pain lets you know that you need to move away from a fire or you might get burnt. Without pain, you would put yourself in harmful situations all of the time.  Most pain goes away in time. Your body heals and you gradually feel better. But what if that pain doesn’t go away? If you are feeling pain much of the time and it doesn’t ever naturally go, then you have chronic pain.  Image Credit Pixabay.com License CC0  There can be all kinds of chronic pain, and it is essential that you seek medical treatment for the cause of the pain. However, in the meantime, you will still need…