General Update: We have 2 important things to talk about 

There are two things I need to touch base on in regards to our day today.  By far, the most important update has to do with Mr. Gavin and his eating of the raw chicken. I kinda joke about the ridiculousness of this but it's actually pretty serious or could be very serious.  Gavin has gone well over twenty four hours without any signs of him getting sick. He's fighting headaches lately but I think that's related to his vision getting worse.  We are so grateful that he's doing well and we thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.. ☺  The final thing on the agenda tonight is also very positive news. It's only less important because it's not potentially linked to Salmonella...  We celebrated my Mom's birthday tonight.…

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UPDATE: My son with #Autism ate raw chicken because that’s just how our life is

If you miss the first part of this story, please click here to get caught up.  I wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. It really means a great deal to us and speaks volumes about the amount of love and compassion that's still in the world today.  It's been about twenty hours since Gavin accidently ate raw chicken and so far, he seems to be doing okay.  Franky, I hate to even say that out loud a use I don't want to jinx it. Having said that, we feel a sense of guarded relief that things are still going well. Hopefully, this will continue as we move forward.  Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers.... ☺ 


Huge Update: We need to get caught up

Rather than break this into a few different posts, I figured I would write these updates into one post, complete with videos and pictures from the last few days. So much has happened this week and as usual, I've fallen behind a bit. Now it's time that we play catch up...  Let's begin with the boy's return to Occupational and Speech Therapy this week. They've been off for a month or so due to the holidays and sickness. Both Emmett and Gavin were thrilled to get back at it.  Gavin's in Speech while Emmett's in Occupational Therapy. Both of the boys did well and they had a great time.  Check out the video and pictures of the boys in action..  ☺ Next up is family therapy. Dr. Pattie gifted…


Reflecting on this past weekend has taught me 3 things

The four day weekend is almost over and we have lived to tell the tail. :-) All joking aside, it seemed like a longer weekend than it actually was. The boys were the boys and that's not a bad thing. They were all challenging at times but I have great memories with each of them over the past four days. Challenging doesn't always mean bad.  What challenging typically means for me is exhausting. This weekend was exhausting even though we didn't go anywhere. It was exhausting listening to Gavin and constantly trying to stay at least a few steps in front of him. It was exhausting trying to get the two youngest to eat what we bought at Aldi's. I would say that in most cases, we were unsuccessful in making Aldi's…


Bad News news to share about Gavin

I've been putting off a really important update recently because I'm still processing some of it, at least I'm trying to. During our last meeting (this past Tuesday) with Dr. Pattie, Gavin did another mission debriefing. This debriefing was a little different because we learned something new about the status of his current psychosis. After talking about all the adventures he had gone on since the last debriefing, I began asking him questions about what he was saying, in an attempt gain a bit more insight. These questions led to a much better understanding of where he currently resides, psychologically and emotionally. It turns out that Gavin's hallucinations are actually getting worse. There used to be a portal he had to walk through in order to be transferred from his…


Quick Update 

We had to get both Gavin and Lizze's bloodwork done this morning. Everyone cooperated pretty well and I'm grateful for that. We also had to stop by the UPS Store on the way home. Elliott and Emmett were distracted by Pokémon Go during the hour or so we were gone. They actually had fun, which made everything much easier. Everyone is in a good mood this morning, at least for the most part. I'm hoping that good mood will continue when we get home because I have some small projects I'd like to work on today.



I wanted to take a few minutes and bring you all up to speed on Gavin's current status. Lizze and I have been seeing some things that while concerning, aren't really super surprising.  Behaviorally, Gavin is continuing to do well. Unfortunately, there's more to Gavin's situation than behavioral concerns.  I remember a time in the not so distant past where his behavioral issues were so serious, we had to actively seek out residential treatment. That's no longer even visible in our rearview mirror.  The issues of concern right now are are physical and emotional health.  Gavin's physical health seems to be sorta stable right now but we're waiting to get his lab results before letting our guard down.  Over the last few weeks, we've been witness to relatively significant cognitive…


A long overdue update on Elliott

It's been a really long time since I've updated on how Elliott's doing, outside of the shit that was going on with the bully at school.  There's actually quite a bit to bring you up to speed on. There's lots of good news but also some struggles as well. With Elliott, things are kind of a mixed bag right now.  For starters, the bully situation seems to be completely resolved at this point and Elliott's attitude about it has changed for the better. He no longer feels like a victim and that's huge.  He's also doing better with the after school program. Both he and Emmett go on Thursday's only and that seems to be the compromise that works best. Continued on next page Lastly, as far as good news…