Everyone in the house was exhausted today

It's been a blah day here in The Autism Dad household. Everyone left home today was really, really tired.  Gavin slept a good part of the morning, as did Lizze and I. Emmett just layer in bed and watched a movie.  After waking up, I feel much more capable of taking on the day, at least what's left of it. I still have Gavin's IVIG infusion to do this afternoon but at the moment, I'm waiting to pick up Elliott from school.  I'll write something a bit more coherent in a little bit. My brain is in quite a few different places right now. 


This morning has completely fallen apart

We're not off to the best start today. Unfortunately, most of us are not feeling well. By most of us, I mean everyone in my family with an active immune system. Ironically, Gavin is the the only one who's feeling fine.  In reality, that's a good thing because the last thing in the world we want is for Gavin to get sick.  Nobody went to school today and we're all just going to take it easy this morning and see if things improve.  In regards to Emmett, I actually suspect he's in a fever flare. This explains his demeanor and level of aggression this morning.  Lizze can barely move today because of the weather. We went from a much warmer trend to this.  As for myself, I'm exhausted beyond words.…


BIG Update: This will bring you up to speed 

It was a mixed bag yesterday and I apologize for not writing. I'm hoping to bring you all current in the entry.  Let's start with the fact that Elliott has been unable to fall asleep the last three nights. The only way to get him asleep is to move him to the living room and I've had to do that the last few nights. Part of the problem is that we are out of Melatonin and our new supply won't be here until Sunday.  He's definitely trying to sleep but it just isn't happening. I can get him to sleep but only on the love seat in the living room.  He goes through this every once in awhile and he needs a change of scenery, in order to finally fall…


Plan for the worst and hope for the best

Our three day weekend has officially turned into what will soon be a four day weekend. Both boys still have fevers and Emmett has a very upset stomach as well.  I checked Gavin, just to be safe and he's teetering on the edge of a low grade fever himself, although he says he feels fine.  Lizze has had a pretty good day thus far. I woke her up about 7:30am and asked her to trade off for a little while, so I could sleep in bed for a bit. I woke up after a few hours and she was still doing well. ☺  She's sleeping now, as is Gavin and I'm managing the sick kiddos with movies and gingerale for now.  I already called the school and reported them off…


General Update: The Good News and The Bad News

I've been spread pretty thin this week and I haven't written much at all. I'm trying to refocus a bit and get back into the habit but frankly, it seems overwhelming sometimes. I'll do my best to get back on track.  There are a few things that I'd like to update you on.  First and foremost, Elliott finally was able to fall asleep at his normal bedtime hour. The last four or five nights, he's really struggled to fall asleep and wasn't able to until well after midnight. Last night however, he never fell asleep and that's not a good thing.  I'm not sure what was different about tonight but he fell asleep without a problem. Lizze and I are both grateful for that.  Emmett's been Emmett. Shoes and socks…


UPDATE: We met with Elliott’s pediatrician and it didn’t go as planned

Last Thursday, we took Elliott to the pediatrician because she's taking over his ADHD management. We were also there to discuss Elliott's headaches and maybe get a referral to a specialist.  The ADHD part of the appointment went really well. There's not a great deal to managing ADHD aside from the medication and follow ups every three months.  When we began talking about his headaches or migraines, I asked if this could be related to dehydration. Elliott doesn't drink nearly enough water and before we go any further down this road, we're going to focus on his hydration and see if that helps.  Elliott doesn't drink much of anything during the day and it's very difficult get him to drink water.  The doctor explained to Elliott that we are absolutely…


Major Update on Gavin’s missing medications

Throughout the day, I had about half a dozen different conversations in regards to Gavin not receiving his IVIG medications and supplies. I spoke with his doctor, his insurance case manager and the head pharmacist at the pharmacy we want to switch to for his supplies.  Let's get this out of the way first.  Gavin's doctor's office was finally able to get things straightened out with our current supplier. The supplier appears to be who dropped the ball on this one.  Setting aside blame and focusing on what matters most at this very moment. I can share that Gavin's medications have been reordered. They should be arriving on Wednesday.  How am I going to prevent this from happening again?  The simple solution to fix this is going to be complicated…


Very Important Update About Gavin

It's been a trying day but I've learned one thing that I believe I can say with absolute confidence, Gavin off of Lithium is NOT a good thing.  I'm sure Lizze will put her two cents in at some point but having discussed this last night, I know she agrees. I suppose I should clarify that Gavin hasn't stopped taking Lithium completely but his dose has been cut in half and it's very clearly no longer effective. The purpose of doing this was to try and clear up some of his confusion. It's possible that being on the Lithium for ten years, in combination with the Clozapine, created a high level of confusion. Anyway, his dose was cut in half for thirty days in order to see if this was…