I’ll just leave this update here

It's been a really long day, not to mention, exhausting. This is the first time I'm had the time or the energy to write anything since yesterday. Sometimes I have those days where it just seems like everything goes wrong, even though there were some definite blessing tossed into the mix. I don't know about you, but it's harder to see the positive on a bad day, than see the negative on a positive day. Maybe that doesn't make any sense. It did in my head, so I'll just leave it there. ☺ There's a few things I need to update you on and I'm working on it. I want to share how Elliott's appointment with OT went, as well as some updates on Gavin, and Lizze. Those will probably…


Heartbreaking signs that he’s getting worse

Gavin's showing more and more signs of regression. As someone who sees him all day every day, it's harder to pick up on things like this because it's generally a gradual process. When someone sees him for the first time in awhile, it's much easier for them to pick up on the changes. I've been paying closer attention lately because I've been worried that he was experiencing more regression, but wasn't sure. It pains me to say this, but he appears to be regressing once again. Regression is a huge part of Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and what sets it apart from other, more common forms of Autism. Gavin's losing skills he'd previously mostly mastered. His executive function is very much declining. He's become more unorganized and has a shrinking vocabulary.…


It’s fun to do weird things sometimes

It's slated to be somewhat of a busy day. Gavin needs his IVIG infusion first thing in the morning, and then we have to go order his new glasses. We had to wait for payday to do that.  After we take care of all of those things, Lizze has two appointments around dinner time.  Her doctor is right by a Little Ceasars pizza and I'll probably swing by and grab one so the kids can eat while we're waiting. That's a super informal dinner but it's kinda fun to do weird things like that sometimes. The kids enjoy it and that's good enough for me. 


There’s a lot to process after her appointment today

We just got home from our trip to the Cleveland Clinic. The kids are picked up and ready to go to Lizze's parents for the night. Lizze and I are both exhausted, and looking forward to a nap when the boys leave.  As far as Lizze's appointment goes, there are some major changes she has to make to her life. Most of those changes are dietary, but she's also permanently placed on a low dose antibiotic.  She's got a great deal to process right now and will probably share all the details on her blog, when she's ready. If not, I'll be sure to keep you updated as best I can. 


I’m ready to quit the school year and here’s why

Here's a super quick update before I go to bed.  As of midnight, I haven't a clue as to whether or not either of the boys will be in school. I've got Elliott with a fever and Emmett with worsening mouth sores, but no fever.  When I say his mouth sores are getting worse, I'm referring to the fact that they have gone from being on his tongue and throat, to his cheeks, lips and gums. He may not be running a fever but he's in a great deal of pain.  To make things worse for poor Emmett, some of these sores are constantly brushing up against his teeth.  Gavin went to bed not feeling well. He has a low grade fever, and an upset stomach. Lizze's Mom pointed out…


This is how my morning has gone

It's been a somewhat decent morning, and for that we're grateful. Lizze and I went to bed early last night, at least early for us. The boys got up really early and began invading our bedroom at the unholy hour of 5 AM.  Despite a decent night's sleep, I'm feeling exhausted, but in a good mood.  On the bright side, Emmett is tolerating his clothes this morning and that means we don't have to battle for an hour. That's hugely positive and I'm very proud of him.  All I have to do is get them off to school and our morning is officially underway.. ☺  


We doing pretty okay this morningĀ 

The boys are both going to school this morning. Elliott is doing a great job of getting ready and cooperating. Emmett is struggling a bit this morning. It would be fair to say he's moody and is sort of all over the place.  After taking the boys to school, I'll be taking Lizze to her therapy appointment.  I'm really tired but I'm hoping to push through everything today and avoid taking a nap. I've got a lot I need to catch up on and sleeping with definitely interfere.  Hopefully your morning is going well... ☺ 

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I’m exhausted but feeling blessed

I apologize for not writing today. I've been doing a pretty good job of writing throughout the day recently. It feels good to be doing that again.  Unfortunately, I've been spread pretty thin lately and today had me buried.  I was up late with Emmett last night because he was sick. In fact, both boys missed school because they were running fevers. I just checked them before I crawled into bed and both are fever free at this moment in time, and God willing, returning to school in the AM.  I've been run kinda ragged, but I've turned in two articles this week and I'm really excited about that. Both will help, but do so in different ways. I have one more left to do and I'll have that done…