The judge approved my request

I received a phone call from Probate Court, to let me know that the Judge had issued a ruling. That may sound a bit dramatic but that's exactly what happened. Yesterday, I requested a copy of the adoption decree from when I adopted Gavin. Apparently, there's a rather significant process involved in doing that and that involves getting permission from the Probate Court Judge. Rather then walk in and simply request a copy of paperwork, I had to petition the Judge for permission instead. I get some adoptions are sealed but I'm seeking documentation for the adoption of Gavin, where I was one of two parties. It's not a secret or something I would have thought was protected. It's not a huge deal, I just thought it was a bit…

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Unfortunately, we’ve had to adjust our plans

Keeping true with the story of our lives, today hasn't gone as planned. We were supposed to be at the Cleveland Clinic for a follow-up appointment with the epilepsy center in regards to Gavin's recent EEG. Unfortunately, I'm not feeling well this morning and driving that distance would not be responsible of me to do. We already know the EEG was fine and this was more of a technicality but it was still important to us. Aside from not feeling well, we also have the more pressing issue of the car. It's getting easier and easier to share what isn't wrong with the car because the list of problems continue to grow. It's no longer worth fixing but at the same time, we don't have another option. Making the needed…


Why did he laugh when our dog died?

If you read my last post in regards to Maggie passing away, you may have noticed that I never made mention of Gavin and there was a reason for that. I want to explain and hopefully educate my readers about what we saw or rather didn't see from Gavin that day. It's important to understand that Autism can be quite mysterious at times and even though I have experienced and a decent understanding, there are times where it's difficult for me to grasp as well. I didn't mention how Gavin reacted to Maggie passing away because I didn't want to go down that path until I'd had a chance to process everything. Let me begin by saying that people with Autism tend to struggle with emotional situations. I'm not saying…

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I fear Gavin’s becoming a bit more paranoid

Lizze and I had a pretty good morning. None of the little missions we went on panned out due to bad information but it was nice to try. We ended up just walking the track. Gavin will be coming home soon because he's apparently getting anxious/freaking out because he needs his infusion and can't do it at grandma's house. I don't know why he's so worried. He's doing perfectly fine as far as time is considered. Even if he did it tomorrow he'd be fine. He's sorta becoming more paranoid. At the same time, despite our many attempts to explain how this works to him, I know he doesn't understand. That may be to blame as well. I don't want him worrying about this stuff to the point he begins…

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Making changes to keep Gavin from hurting himself at night

We've been having some issues with Gavin, particularly at night. The other day, Gavin got up about 9 PM to use the bathroom. Lizze was still reading to the kids and I was in the living room. All of a sudden, we heard a really loud thud. I thought Emmett had fallen off the top bunk but Lizze headed right to the bathroom cause she knew it was Gavin. Gavin swears up and down that he never fell. He claims he only put his hands on the floor to keep himself from falling. Everyone in the house head the thud and no one believes it was from him gently putting his hands on the ground. The problem is that for some reason, his bedtime medication is making him very sedated…


My oldest son with #Autism is really trying my patience

I'm not going to mince words here. Gavin is driving me crazy and there's no end in sight. He's eighteen years old on the outside and about six years old on the inside. This large age gap between his emotional age and his chronological age has always been problematic. As he gets older, it's becoming more obvious and increasingly frustrating. Gavin's a great kid. He loves his family to the best of his ability, always looking to help around the house and he never gives up or complains about his lot in life. I've raised him as my own since he was about fifteen months old and I see him no differently than I do Elliott or Emmett. Unfortunately, it's getting harder and harder to overlook some of the behaviors…


It’s simply exhausting

The boys spent the night at Lizze's parents house last night. That left us with only Gavin in to worry about for a little while. In truth, only Gavin to worry about is a bit misleading. Gavin is an amazing kid/adult and we love him to the ends of the Earth and back but he is incredibly stressful to live with. We have to keep a closer eye on him than we do the other boys because Gavin lacks the capacity to self-regulate and completely lacks commonsense. I don't mean these in a disrespectful or degrading way either. He just requires a tremendous amount of time, energy and patience. It's exhausting. That said, we had a few hiccups last night but they weren't anything that pushed me over the edge.…

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It’s getting harder to cope

I'm having a harder time coping with Gavin lately. God forgive me but he's driving me fucking crazy and I simply don't have the patience he deserves to receive from me. It's important to understand that Gavin's isn't necessarily doing anything wrong. He's just being Gavin. The emotions I'm experiencing in regards to coping is probably two fold. It's part frustration because Gavin's functioning at maybe fifty percent of what he was, say two years ago. The other part is pure, unadulterated heartache because he's only functioning at maybe fifty percent of where he was two years ago. The frustration and heartache are very real. They are very, very impactful emotions, that are at odds with each other. I find myself frustrated by his behaviors and exhausted by how difficult…