3 pictures of moments that made me smile

We all have our good days and our bad days. Yesterday was a blend of both good and bad but there were also some bright spots as well. I wanted to highlight a couple of these bright spots because they made me smile. First up is courtesy of Mr. Gavin. His new IVIG infusion pump finally showed up and he was able to use it for the first time tonight. He was excited and it was a pretty good infusion.. ☺ Gavin killed me with his super serious face but whatever... He's happy and that makes me happy. ☺ The final bright spot took place much later and was signed, sealed and delivered by Mr. Emmett. I mentioned in the previous post that Emmett wasn't feeling well last night. He…


I’ve never been a tiny dog person but this is too cute

I've never been a small dog person. I've definitely never been a tiny dog person. Since we adopted Ruby a week or so ago, she fits unbelievably well into our existing family. She's super smart, completely housebroken and loves playing with Maggie or the ferrets. One of the things I didn't expect to happen was for her to bond so closely with me. She literally has to be in physical contact with me all the time. If I get up and move, she follows me wherever I go. I can't even go to the bathroom without her wanting to follow me. I have to draw the line somewhere and it's right outside the bathroom door. It's weird how she hasn't even known us that long and yet she's adjusted so…


I’ll admit it, I’m smitten

I've never been a little dog person because I didn't see the point. I've always had big dogs like Maggie, our 70 lbs English Staffordshire Bull Terrier. We we adopted Ruby last week, the last thing I expected was to become totally smitten. Ruby weighs a bit under 5 lbs and is really tiny. Despite her size, she's got an enormous personality and fits in perfectly with the rest of our family. ☺ Anyway, I said above that I hadn't expected to become smitten with her because I'm not a big fan of tiny dogs. Ruby had other plans because she's latched on to me and literally follows me everywhere I go. When I'm writing, she curls up on my lap and falls asleep. Sometimes she climbs up and sleeps…


Introducing the newest member to our family

Over the Christmas holiday, we added a member to our family. Her name is Ruby and she's a two year old Chorkie. We've always had two dogs and we've only had Maggie since having to rehome Bella, our Boxer because she became extremely aggressive with Maggie. We had no choice, because the dog fighting was getting really bad and it had become dangerous for the kids. We tried everything to avoid having to rehome her but nothing helped. It was heartbreaking because we'd had her for a few years without a single problem. One day, she decided that she wanted to be the dominant female and began challenging Maggie. This was totally a massive personality shift for Bella and these fights were always provoked by her. They always ended bloody…


We got some sad news today

I took Maggie to the vet this morning. She needed some vaccines before she could be boarded on Thursday, for our trip to Florida the following day. The physical appointment went well but we got some sad news. As we suspected, Maggie has begun losing her hearing. This was pretty obvious based on the fact that she doesn't respond to noise anymore. I was prepared for that, but I wasn't prepared to hear that she's losing her vision as well. The vet couldn't say how bad her vision is but her eyes are glassing over, and I guess that's not a good thing. She's never had a very good sense of smell but it's pretty much nonexistent at this point. The positive take away is that she's physically healthy. She…


The biggest worry my kids with #Autism have about our upcoming trip

One of the biggest concerns we have about leaving for so long is in regards to our ferrets. We know that cat will be fine and Maggie is being boarded. The ferrets however, are very social animals and need that social interaction in order to be happy. They have each other but having to stay in their cage for ten plus days is not in their best interest. We could out them into their pen but Lemme escapes within seconds of being in there. She's escaped every single setup we've thrown at her. It would be incredibly impressive if it weren't so frustrating. She's the only reason we can't leave them in the pen while we're gone. The best option is to build a custom cage that is both large…


What we experienced while putting our cat to sleep today

The boys left for my parents house about lunchtime today, and Lizze and I had a quiet afternoon. Neither one of us was looking forward to what 2:30 PM would require us to do. We've been dreading this day and the pain we knew it was going to inflict on all of us, but some things are outside of our control. It's difficult to know just how much an animal can impact our lives until the moment we must say goodbye. Cleo has been a part of our family for over thirteen years and today we laid her to rest. Making the decision to put her to sleep was not one that came easily. We tried for months to get her passed what she was going through but sometimes things…


One reason why this is so heartbreaking for me

The boys have left for my parents house and It feels like a countdown until we head to the vet. This is not how I envisioned spending my birthday. The reason I'm writing is because I wanted to share a letter Elliott wrote yesterday while at school. This is a large part of the reason we didn't send them to school today. Elliott gave his permission to share this because he wants people to know how he's feeling. Below is the letter he wrote. Please be warned, it's absolutely heartbreaking to read. 😭