Tons of awesome pics from this week’s snowday

The boys got a relatively rare chance to play outside in the snow. Normally we avoid being outside in the yard due to safety concerns associated with our neighborhood. It's been pretty quiet lately and Lizze and I were right there with them the whole time. It was really awesome to see them playing and having fun. Everyone had a good time and they spent about 20 minutes throwing snow balls, making snow angels and being kids. 💜 [foogallery id="68176"]


I need to make sure Gavin’s okay

Lizze has a doctor's appointment today and I'm thinking about making the boys walk the track with me while we're waiting for her. The boys and I will have about an hour to kill and that's more than enough time to take a trip around the track. The signals bad at the park so Pokémon hunting might not work out for them but they need to the exercise anyway. The only problem with this plan is of course cooperation. I'll definitely need cooperation to make this happen. I also need to make sure Gavin's okay as well. I haven't been taking him walking with me lately because his hips keep popping and that's very painful for him. Frankly, even we literally just walk the track without focusing on a decent…


Not everyone would appreciate movie night at our house

We had a pretty nice evening. It was decided that we should have a family movie night, although no one could agree on a movie. After a wee bit of drama and complaining, I made the executive decision that we would be watch The Martian...  Movies with my family usually involve Gavin running away during any intense or emotional moments, Elliott critiquing every scene, and Emmett explaining how what we're watching isn't actually possible with our current level of technology.  Needless to say, they were in full form with this movie. ☺  I'd say you get used to it but truthfully, it's still pretty annoying. lol It was still fun and everyone actually made it through to the end of the movie. Gavin left a few times but he always…


Today’s Victory: Quite a few stops to fix his shoes

I took the boys to the park for another mile or so of Pokémon Go. Lizze stayed behind because of her feet. She thinks they're beginning to feel better and doesn't want to overdue it.  Considering how hot it was, how many people were at the park, and their very limited attention span, I'm really proud of the boys. Truthfully, they did a good job playing Pokémon Go and watching out for where they were going.  Of course, Emmett made quite a few stops to fix his shoes.  Even though he had to stop to fix his shoes, he still kept pushing on. He was a total trooper, and I'm super proud of him for not giving up, or getting frustrated.  The trip was an overall success, and it was…


Emmett took the lead, and the cart

Yesterday, after all the OT fun, I took the family to the park. While we were there, a nice lady offered to take our picture for us. That was super nice of her. ☺ After we got done exploring the Garden Center, it was time to hit the grocery store and pick up Lizze's birthday cake. Emmett took the lead, and the cart while we were shopping. He did a nice job of pushing the cart, and there were no causalities.. lol


One way I’m keeping my kids with #Autism active 

I'm trying to keep the boys as active as possible this summer. I want them to develop healthier habits, because it will be easier for them to maintain a healthier lifestyle as they get older.  Right now Gavin's receiving his IVIG infusion, and depending on how he's doing afterwards, we may meet up with my Mom at the track. Elliott wants to walk the track, but Emmett not so much. If Grandma is there, he will be more willing.  The only other obstacle would be weather related. It's supposed to storm on and off today.  I want to at least make a concerted effort to make this happen. If it doesn't, I'll use the treadmill. 


That’s a BIG if

The boys are having a pretty decent day today. Emmett seems to be feeling better but is as indecisive as ever. Gavin's been chilling out in his room, maybe on a mission or just playing his tablet.  Elliott's been really quiet. He wants to do something, but everything he wants to do costs money we don't have at the moment.  I plan on taking them to the park, and if Emmett will wear socks, perhaps we can go hiking. That's a big if. lol Even if we don't go, I did thirty minutes on the treadmill, to ensure I got my walk in, so go me. ☺  Assuming Lizze is feeling better, perhaps she will join us. I meant to share this yesterday but was distracted. Lizze has Ehlers Danlos, and…


I have to do something

I can't take it anymore. The boys are driving me crazy, and I have to get them out of the heat for a little while. I'm going to try and get to the indoor playground.  We haven't been there in forever, so I have to check the hours or operations, and with any luck, they'll be open.  This will let the kids be kids for a bit, and maybe even get to socialize a bit as well. That's a win win in my book.