Emmett’s teacher told me the most amazing thing today

This will be quick because I'm going to bed but I wanted to share this first. When I picked up the boys from school this afternoon, one of Emmett's teachers came out to talk to me for a minute before dismissal. She wanted to me to know how much they love having Emmett in their class. She went on and on about how he's such an amazing role model for his classmates. Apparently, he's even tutoring some of the kids in his class. He was given a chance to go outside and play but instead chose to stay in and help some of his classmates. ☺ That's such an awesome thing to hear about one of my kids. We already know that our kids are amazing but it's nice to…


I love when my kids with #Autism embrace their inner artist

Emmett came home from his grandparents freaking out about a Pokémon card he got at the dollar store. I guess it's a really good one and it's totally changed his life or something to that affect. Bottomline, he was incredibly happy and very excited. He then decided to sit down and do a freehand sketch of the Pokémon on the card. Please don't ask me who it is because I have no idea. All I know is that's he's happy and that makes me happy. ☺ I think he did a pretty amazing job. I truly love when my kids embrace their inner artist.. ☺


It’s already overwhelming

The boys got off to school this morning without too much hassle. Emmett however, is very clearly distressed by all the changes to his routine and schedule. We're seeing tummy aches and nightmares again already. He loves school but at the same time, it's very stressful for him. When Emmett gets stressed out, he doesn't cope well with the world around him. Coping with the world at large can be difficult for any kid with Autism and Emmett is no exception. We're seeing an increase in meltdowns and he can go from zero to full on freak out in nothing flat. It's stressful for those around him but it's especially true for Emmett because he's the one experiencing this high level of distress first hand. As an example, it wasn't…


A chaotic but successful morning

It was a somewhat chaotic morning but we got out the door and off to the first day or school without too many problems. Emmett was clearly very anxious to get to school on time and by contrast, Elliott was more relaxed on the outside but anxious on the inside. Anyway, we had a successful morning and the boys are now safely back in school.

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We had orientation tonight

Orientation went great tonight. We were there for all of about thirty minutes in total, but it was a quality thirty minutes. ☺ Anyway, we met the boys teachers, most we knew already but some we met for the first time. There are some cool changes this school year, the biggest being that they will have martial arts every day. Emmett's loving that. Elliott, not so much. I feel like we're in a good place to start the school year. I'm not sure what how things will actually pan out but I feel comfortable that the kids are comfortable. Emmett's a bit nervous but he's also very excited. Elliott's just excited, at least on the surface. He may be nervous on the inside and we just don't know it yet.…


I’m sleeping on our dilapidated couch tonight

It's been a crazy day today and I've not been able to write anything. Vivint was here for a good chunk of the day and while it's always a positive experience, it can be a bit trying on the kids. Anyway, Emmett's been struggling with an increasing level of anxiety recently. We've seen an uptick in tummy aches and nightmares as we get closer to the new school year. Emmett really isn't capable of expressing how he's feeling and so we're left to try and figure this out on our own.. The last few night, Emmett's really struggled to fall asleep at night because he's afraid he'll have another nightmare. Tonight was so bad that I opted to simply set him up on the love seat in the living room,…


The lowdown on today’s doctors appointments

Both Elliott and Emmett had appointments this morning with their pediatrician. This was a regular well-check and an ADHD follow-up as well. Elliott was really anxious because he knew he needed a vaccine. Turns out he needed two vaccines, meningitis and HPV. The HPV was the final in a series of three and the meningitis is required by the school now. Anyway, Emmett's appointment went well and it was quickly over. Elliott's was more complicated because we're dealing with several things that need considerably more attention and follow-up. We bumped up Elliott's antidepressant a little but because he's really struggling and that was his psychologists suggestion but we've exceeded the limits of his pediatricians comfort level in regards to managing his mental health medication. Thankfully, I was able to call…


What happens when my kid with #Autism makes a mistake?

Let me tell you something, there are days where Autism just truly sucks. I know it's taboo to say something like that because whatever but it's the truth. This morning the boy's State ID's showed up and if you remember the nightmare at the BMV, you know what we went through just getting that done. Emmett took one look at his and decided he didn't like his signature not being perfect. He immediately melted down, ran upstairs and barricaded himself in his room. All of this was because of a perceived imperfection in his handwriting. This sensitivity to imperfection is usually associated with Sensory Processing Disorder, which is a common and comorbid diagnoses that goes along with Autism. It sucks because there is no way to really help him work…