When ADHD medication goes wrong

I'm a firm believer in medicating my children when it's in their best interests. I feel that's the only responsible approach for me. Medicating my kids for things beside illness has always been a painstaking process or research, thought and discussion with the prescribing doctor. Sometimes even the best laid plans can have unforeseen consequences and then tough choices have to be made.  This is the case with Elliott and his ADHD medications.    As it turns out, the tachycardia he's been experiencing is likely related to his ADHD medication and Dr. Reynolds has taken him off and switched him to different medication that is less likely to cause a problem.  For the next two weeks I will be having to monitor his heart rate for changes and document it…


Here’s what happened at the boys immunologist appointment yesterday

I was so distracted by the events of yesterday that I failed to share how the actual appointment went for both Elliott and Gavin.  The good news is that both boys are doing really well.  Elliott was there for a food allergy and asthma follow up. His asthma is very much under control and he did quite well in his peak flow testing. There's not really much to be done with his food allergy because we avoid almonds all together and so there really isn't any point in blood work.     Elliott was so anxious that our Doctor simply said that when he's ready to find out if he's still allergic to almonds, we can do blood work. Until that time, we just stay the course.  She's very good with the…


We just survived a massive, massive meltdown

From the moment I picked Elliott up from school, his anxiety level was building and building.  He may tell me what he thinks is wrong but I just don't think that it's very accurate. Based on his enormously raging meltdown, I feel like what he's telling me is missing key pieces of information, needed to figure out how to help him.  There is no consoling him. There is no reasoning with him because that trains already left the station.  I now have a headache and my stress level has been taken through the roof. 😱   


Both IEP meetings are done

Just finished up my IEP meeting for the day and I can safely say that my brain is fried. I'll explain what happened later on in the day but for now, everything went well.  There are a few things that need to be noted but I'll explain later.  I'm going walking to clear my cluttered head.    


Elliott came home early

Elliott decided that he didn't want to go to church this morning and so he wanted to come home early.  He's lucky because I my Mom sent me a text before 8am and I just happen to have woken up long enough to hear it.  While my break was cut short, I'm still grateful for the break I did get and frankly, it's nice to have him home. I miss my kids when they're gone.    


My son with #Autism turns trash into art :)

One of Elliott's little things is that he loves to repurpose things. He's always taking old bottles, toilet paper rolls, broken toys and anything else that's ready for the curb and making it into something special. I'm not sure what to call what he does but he repurposing or recycling old or unwanted things into little works of art that he then gives away.  This particular creation is from the game Viva PiƱata, although I don't know what character it is and hemdoesnt remember. Either way, he repurposed an empty Danimals smoothie bottle and a few broken Nerf darts.  This has been gifted unto me and I'm honored to receive it. ♥️   


Art By Elliott: Inside Out

With the dawn of the new school year there is a return to constant flow of new artwork to share. This is one of my favorite things about the school year. 😀 Elliott is the first one up.