There was a massive meltdown in my house last night but it wasn’t my kid with #Autism

It was a another horrible night. Elliott was once again unable to sleep and we ended up having a meltdown at 2 AM. I know you're probably assuming Elliott was the one having having the meltdown but you'd be wrong, well sorta anyway. I was tired and Elliott was not in a good place, being uncooperative, disagreeable, unreceptive and I eventually ran out of patience. Elliott ended up melting down and rather than rise above and help him through it, I eventually met his meltdown with one of my own. I said some things I shouldn't have said and behaved in ways that I cannot condone. Lizze and I were trying to help him, while at the same time, prevent him from waking up Emmett or Gavin. I became overwhelmed…


Do you know how much fun shoe shopping is for two kids with #Autism?

Ha.. That's a trick question because it's a fricking nightmare. After we left the cookout, I took Elliott shoe shopping. Emmett decided that he wanted to try shoes again as well. I wasn't really in a position to do both right now but with Emmett, I can't not take advantage of his willingness to try shoes again. That opportunity almost never comes around. In fact, it's been about two years since the last time he was willing to try. Elliott actually isn't too, too bad. He's more indecisive when it comes to shopping. It's not usually that big of a deal but it depends on his mood and how stressed out or overstimulated he is at the moment. Emmett on the other hand is never easy. His tolerance for anything…

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Today was the last of school

The boys celebrated their last day of school today. Both had great days and both have mixed feelings about the summer break. They're both excited to be out of school for the summer but at the same time, they're going to miss it as well. If I hadn't mentioned this before (but I have about a gazillion times), kids with Autism don't usually do well with change. It's something that parents like myself, dread more than many other things in our lives because a disruption in one's routine can lead to massive meltdowns. Routine is paramount to maintaining everyone's sanity but it's not always easy or even possible. With that in mind, we are bracing ourselves for a challenging week or so. Hopefully, everything will balance out in short order…


We had an UNBELIEVABLE surprise today (Must See)

It's been an amazing day and I'll go into more detail tomorrow. I'm not feeling well at the moment and I'm going to try to go to bed early. I put together a quick video, showing you guys the martial arts promotion from today. I'm not going to ruin the surprise but what happened at the end of Emmett's promotion literally had me in tears. It was an amazing surprise and I can't wait to share it with you guys. We're so proud of both Elliott and Emmett. They've worked so hard this year, both inside and outside of the dojo. This was the most amazing day I can remember having in a very long time. I'm so proud... ☺ 💙


Ending the day with good news

I'm going to end the day on a positive note. Elliott is feeling better after a few days of being under the weather. With any luck, he'll be returning to school in the morning. In another piece of good news, Gavin's IVIG infusion went well. He was able to complete the entire process on his own and as far as I know, there weren't any leaks. There are plenty of times where the IVIG Infusions are a disaster and he needs to be restuck a few times. Any day that ends with Gavin having a good infusion, is a good day. I almost don't care about anything else that happens because these infusions are such a big deal. A bad infusion can set the tone for the day.. Gavin did…


My plans for the day have been scuttled

Unfortunately, my original plans for the day have been scuttled. I ended up getting sick after eating breakfast and it really kicked in while I was waiting for Gavin to have his bloodwork done. I made it home and went to bed for a little while. I woke up just in time to answer a call from my friend David Cannington, co-founder of Nuheara. They are the creators of the amazing IQbuds. While I can't share the contents of the conversation, I can share that it was interrupted by a call from the school. Apparently, Elliott wasn't feeling well and needed to come home. I had to excuse myself from the conversation and go retrieve Elliott from the school. Thankfully, Elliott's not pukie sick. Puking makes everything worse. He seems…


A little routine I have with my kids on the #Autism Spectrum

Everyday, I arrive at the school about an hour early, start the parent pickup line and enjoy the quiet. I've been doing this for years. During the before (what we call the 2 year separation), this was really important because the kids were struggling and they felt reassured to see me there early each day. It was important to me that always know I was there for them, especially in those darker times. That was a long time ago and I continue doing this today. It's become something of a routine for me and one that it's beneficial to my sanity. It's part of my self-care routine. I enjoy parking in the shade, basking in the quiet and either reading or writing for an hour until the boys are released…


Elliott’s absolutely miserable

Poor Elliott has been up all night because he's not feeling well. We're suspecting Strep throat but we're going to see how he's doing today before taking him in. His throat began hurting yesterday evening and it's progressively gotten worse. He's running a lower grade fever but that doesn't necessarily mean anything because we believe he has the same fever disorder Emmett has. He's almost always running at least a low-grade fever. Hopefully, he feels better as the day goes on. Please keep Elliott in your thoughts today, he's truly miserable..