What hurts the most about getting divorced
What hurts the most about getting divorced
What hurts the most about getting divorced
That was the most awful experience of my life
My divorce will take a big step forward today
I'm going to try and focus on moving my divorce forward this week
While visitation with their Mom is a positive thing, it also presents many challenges for me when they come home. . Here's some of those challenges
#Autism and Divorce: How did the boys visitation go this weekend?
I truly want to go into today with a positive attitude because while today is a very painful reminder of what myself and the boys have lost, it's also a milestone to be celebrated. For the last 365 days, I've been a single Father to 3 amazing boys with numerous special needs. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I would be able to do this on my own but guess what, I did. ☺ I've learned so much about myself, my limitations and my ability to preserver. Our lives are far from perfect but I'm giving my boys everything I possibly can and despite my shortcoming, I'm damn proud that we've made it this far. I'm an awesome Dad and the reason I know that is because I…