I’ve been taking #Prozac for about 8 weeks now

I wanted to share a quick update in regards to my ongoing war with Depression. As many of you already know, I've been in a lifelong war with Depression. Recently, I shared that I went back to my doctor because I wasn't coping with life, and I was drowning in negative thoughts. About eight weeks ago, I began taking 20mg of Prozac daily, in conjunction with the Wellbutrin I was already on. I wasn't excited about going back on another antidepressant, but truthfully, the alternative wasn't an option. When I said I was drowning in negative thoughts, I was referring to constant worries about my kids, their future, my health, my wife's health, and literally everything else, all at once. Most of these worries were outside of my control and…


Update: How I’m managing my #Depression

As many of you know, I've been warring with Depression for most of my life. I talk about managing Depression as an ongoing war because there will be many battles, some I'll win and some I won't. Recently, I decided that I needed to get more help in managing my Depression because I was significantly struggling in many areas of my life. I was working very hard to manage my Depression, but it just wasn't enough. One of the things I had been trying to do was manage my Depression as naturally as I can, meaning I wanted to limit medication use, if possible. You may recall my nightmarish withdrawal from Paxil last year. I was sick for almost six months after taking three months to taper off slowly. It…


Are you struggling with #Depression tonight? I know I am.

First of all, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. I truly wish all of you the absolute, very best. Now on to something a bit more serious. If you follow me on Twitter, you may have seen that I've been talking about depression quite a bit lately. There are a few reasons for that but most of them don't really matter at the moment. I feel that it's incredibly important to talk freely about mental health issues because we have to de-stigmatize the topic. We've made a ton of progress over the years but we still have a long journey ahead of us. There is absolutely no reason that anyone should ever feel shame for living with mental illness. The main reason I've been talking more about this lately is because…


Christmas can be rough for those like me with #Depression but I’m feeling pretty okay

When I originally started writing this post, it was just a basic update. As I was writing, it evolved a bit and will now serve a dual purpose. While this is still an update, I also wanted to share a bit about my Depression because it helps to remind or make people aware that Christmas can be hard for like me with Depression. Last night the boys spent the night with Lizze's parents. Lizze and I used that time to take care of a few outstanding Christmas related things. It's been a little while since I had some time off and I've been struggling with Depression a bit more than usual lately. When you're depressed, exhaustion is absolutely not your friend. For me personally, exhaustion makes it harder to fight…


My struggle with #Depression and #anxiety is very real right now

If it hasn't been obvious from my recent postings, I've been struggling with depression and anxiety lately. It's impacting many areas of my life and I can't really single out a singular trigger. I can, however, say that life has become more difficult as of late. Something you may not know about depression is that that it can be different for everyone. I don't always feel bad or even anxious but sometimes I do. There are times when I feel like I'm compensating rather well and then all of a sudden, it's like I walked full speed, straight in a brick wall. I can go from everything is fine to crippling thoughts and unrelenting anxiety in an instant. Realistically, I'm sure it's a more gradual process than that but it…


3 tell-tale signs I need help with my #Depression

I've been very open in regards to my ongoing war with depression. I feel that the only way we can de-stigmatize things like depression or any other mental health illness, is to speak openly, honestly and without shame. It's with the continued spirit of honesty, that I share with you my current struggles with depresion. I'm not going to go into my past history with depression in this post right now because honestly, this is hard enough as it is. You can however, read for yourself. See My War with Depression. In a nutshell, I'm not doing well. There are a few things that tend to happen when depression is kicking my ass. It's always been that way. As problematic and disruptive as these things can be, it's sorta like…