I’m so frustrated with society right now

Today has truly been a mixed bag but at the end of the day, we're still here. I recorded my second interview today, since going on hiatus. I've put together a new setup that works so much better and it didn't cost me a penny. I was able to adjust the way I used existing equipment to dramatically improve the way I do things. It's going to makes things so much easier for me. I had the most fascinating conversation about summer learning with Matthew Boulay, PhD, and I'm hoping to have the episode ready in the next few weeks. The kids were so cooperative for the time I need to record and I'm so grateful for that. We spent some time playing video games together and while we tried…


We’ve been on #COVID-19 Lockdown for 100 Days

We hit a milestone today that was not on my 2020 bingo card. The kids and I have been on COVID-19 lockdown for 100 days now. When I say lockdown, I mean zero contact with anyone in 100 days. The only exception was the kids seeing their mom for two or three days after her household went on quarantine for two weeks. This has been a pretty strick lockdown due to the fact Gavin is immunocompromised. While I don't think he's necessarily more likely to catch it, he's more likely to have a negative outcome, therefore he's considered very high risk. I have to take this very, very seriously and so we've spent the last 100 days making sure that we are quarantined, so there is as little risk as…


I haven’t felt this overwhelmed in a long time

Over the last decade, this blog has evolved into whatever it is now. One of the things that have remained consistent throughout is the honesty with with I write. I may not write as much anymore and my writing isn't as inspiring as it once was, but it's just as honest as the day is long. I'm writing tonight because I feel like I'm failing in so many areas of my life. In fairness, I do realize that a large part of this is my depression talking but I'm pretty sure I'd feel like this anyway. It's been a particularly difficult day because I'm not handling Gavin very well. Gavin's in a very weird place right now and I don't know what's going on with him. He's regressing in a…


If my sensory sensitive kids with #Autism can wear a mask, WTF is your excuse?

I know I'm not writing nearly as often as I normally do and the truth is, depression is really kicking my ass. I'm still functional but definitely struggling. As of today, we've been on lockdown for 98 straight days. As you can probably imagine, it's running a bit long in the tooth at this point. Unfortunately, there simply isn't any other options. With Gavin being immunocompromised, there literally isn't another way to keep him safe. We're in this for the long haul and that's likely to be awhile. I've been hearing from readers both here and on social media, that their husband, wife, daughter, son or other loved one is immunocompromised as well and they're in the exact same boat. While my heart goes out to all the other families…


I have mixed feelings about this

Today is the last day of self-quarantine before the kids get to spend some time with their mom. Assuming all goes well today, the boys will spend Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning with their mom and grandparents. I have mixed feelings about this and I wouldn't be honest if I said otherwise.. I've kept the kids safe for 74 days and the idea of changing what we're doing right now is scary. I'm thrilled they get to spend time with their mom. I thrilled for them and her because I know how important this is. I worry because we have no idea when the next time will be and it's going to be great while they're there but very difficult when it's time to leave. I'm really hoping the kids…


I’ve managed to keep my kids safe and healthy for 70 days

Today marks day 70 of COVID19 lockdown for my family. It's been a long journey and I'm afraid we aren't even almost there yet. I'm preparing to remain locked down as long as it takes to keep my family safe. Yes, it's a massive sacrifice but the alternative is unacceptable to me. We have made some progress in one area and I wanted to share that. All visits had stopped due to lockdown. Gavin's immunocompromised and Lizze has high risk people in her house. I approached Lizze about finding a way to make at least one visit work. After some discussion, we decided that if everyone in her house locked down for 14 days, and at the end of that time, everyone was fever free and healthy, we could allow…


We had an adventure today

I'm really tired but I wanted to share our adventure from today because it was a very big step for Gavin. I took the kids out to Quail Hollow because we all needed to get some exercise and I was hoping that do to the size of the park, it wouldn't be very crowded. Unfortunately, I was mistaken. Quail Hollow was packed and most people were not social distancing or wearing masks. We almost didn't stay but it was a decent drive and while Gavin wanted nothing to do with it, especially after seeing the lack of COVID19 awareness. I decided that we were already there and while the main trails had lots of people, we could keep to the outskirts of the park. That's what we did. We found…


I’m struggling today

I'm struggling a bit today because I just am. I could say it's because we've been on lockdown for 67 days straight or that I'm depressed. I could say that it's because Gavin's off his meds and the kids have been home from school. I could say that it's because I'm struggling with my pending divorce or that I miss the person I married. I could say all of those things because they're all true but the reality, however, is that I don't know why I'm struggling today. Perhaps it's a combination of everything? Perhaps it's that I'm tired and just need this to be over? All I know is that today has already proven to be very challenging and I can't seem to get my footing. It feels like…