The Importance Of Taking Care Of Yourself When Looking After Others

This is a collaborative post and doesn’t necessarily reflect the views of this blog or its author.   If you have children with disabilities or chronic illnesses or you spend a lot of time caring for a parent, a sibling or a partner, it can be very easy to lose sight of your own health and wellbeing. You may not be your number one priority, but it’s important to take care of yourself, as well as others around you. If you’ve been devoting all your time and energy to looking after others, this guide should come in handy. Taking time out We all have days when we don’t feel great, and we need a little time to ourselves to focus, clear our heads and escape things that are stressing us…


Healthy Living & #Autism: Is There A Benefit?

This is a collaborative post and doesn’t necessarily reflect the views of this blog or its author.   Did you know that in the US, autism impacts 1 in 50 children and their families? Of course, how seriously these children are affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder will determine how large an impact autism has on their daily lives and the lives of their families. For instance, the Autistic Spectrum exists as a continuum, varying from more mild impairments to more serious disabilities. Due to these impairments, children and teenagers living with Autism Spectrum Disorder, experience trouble with social functioning, interest in certain activities, and repetitive behaviors. Plus, these restrictions mean that children with ASD prevent a range of challenges when it comes to nutrition and physical activities. However, they still…


Choosing Professionals With #Autism In Play

This is a collaborative post and doesn't necessarily reflect the views of this blog or its author. (Image Source) Over the last couple of decades, a lot of attention has been brought to Autism. Through modern media, schooling, and the medical field, this condition has made huge steps towards being accommodated throughout society. Of course, though, despite this change, it can still be hard for a young sufferer to handle seeing professionals. Particularly when their work is invasive, this can be very hard for someone on the spectrum to deal with. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the key areas which can cause trouble for your child. Anything Invasive: For someone with limited social skills and a sensitivity to touch, having a stranger…


Some Key Considerations If Your Child Has A Long-Term Condition

Pic Source It can be a shocking moment when you discover that your child has a chronic condition of some kind. However, the most important thing is that you find a way to make it work, no matter what it is that your child is diagnosed with or how hopeless it might at first seem. There are a number of considerations you will want to think about as soon as possible, o that you can make the entire journey a little easier on yourself. As long as you pay attention to these, you will be in a better position to do whatever needs doing at the right time, and you won’t be quite as likely to experience extra added stress as well. Let’s take a look at what those key…


Are Sports An Option For Children With Autism?

This is a collaborative post and doesn't necessarily reflect the thoughts and opinions of this blog or its author.    Life is tough for children with autism. There’s no way around it. Though there’s help out there, there’s still a lot to worry about when it comes to day to day living. This is the case during and after the school years. Whatever your kids try to do, they’re sure to come up against some barrier to make it harder for them. In a way, there’s no getting around that. There are going to be things a child with autism can’t do. That’s a fact. But, it’s possible we also put barriers in places they don’t need to be. And, by doing so, we take away some of the pleasures…


Dealing With A Chronic Illness In The Family

This is a collaborative post and may not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of this blog or its author. If there is a chronic illness or medical issue of some kind which is affecting someone in your family, it can really affect the way that the family lives as a whole. This can be one of the more distressing things to happen to any family, but it is also the kind of situation which has a way of getting everyone to be closer, so that is at least some kind of a blessing here. However it is necessary to understand exactly what you need to do as a family in order to deal with the illness in such a way as to make it easier on everyone, and that…


Coping Mechanisms: The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly

This is a collaborative post and may not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of this blog or its author.   Whether you have a son with challenges, from autism to ADHD and beyond, or you are dealing with other difficulties in the family, it can take a toll. Watching the people you love suffer and dealing with the stress, anxiety, and setbacks of fighting it with them will affect you. When most people deal with significant difficulty in their life, they look for coping mechanisms. In doing so, they make themselves vulnerable. If you find yourself being drawn to certain kinds of behavior or coping mechanisms, you have to try and sort the good from the bad as soon as possible.Image Source The bad When we deal with stress,…

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Accepting a Diagnosis

Being ill is always tough. Facing up to a difficult diagnosis is never easy, but, it's somehow worse, and certainly much harder to come to terms with, when the diagnosis is for your child. No matter how old they are, hearing that there is something wrong with your precious baby is heartbreaking. Here are some tips to help you get through this challenging time, accepting the diagnosis and coming to terms with the new life you are going to live. Get Angry Whether the diagnosis you face is that your child is always going to struggle with autism or another related condition, or you hear that something went wrong that injured them during childbirth, one of your first feelings will be anger. This is ok. Don't feel like you…