Counting my blessings this morning 

Emmett had an okay day yesterday. His fever hit almost 101°F, which it's anything serious. What you need to remember though, is he's not sick. There's no physiological reason for him to be running a fever.  We had some rough moments, but the boys actually spent a few hours with my Mom.  When they got home, everyone had some downtime. I was able to work on a few projects around the house, and made it through another basket of laundry.  We ended up going to the park again after dinner. The boys were able to Pokémon hunt, and we walked a little over a mile. It may not seem like much but dragging along two kids heavily invested in Pokémon Go is a fricking challenge.  It ended up actually being…


Received 2 absolute blessings today

Sometimes, we are totally blessed by the things that happen in our lives, and today was one of those days.  As we approach the end of the month, things get tighter financially. I was settling in for a week of tightly managing our grocery budget, when some amazing news arrived. Actually, we received two pieces of good news.  The first piece of life saving news came in the mail this afternoon. Apparently, we overpaid our auto and home owners insurance by a relatively significant amount, and State Farm issued us a refund check. Surprise... ☺  About the exact same time, I received an email notice that Google had made my monthly deposit. This was a surprise as well because according to my records, I missed the threshold for payout by…


I’ve chosen to focus on the blessings 

Last night ended with more tension than I like, but before that, we had a decent evening.  I took everyone to the park and we walked the track. We had to sorta improvise a bit because there's major construction going on in the park right now. We had to map out a new path and that required walking on a gravel trail for about a quarter mile.  Walking on gravel is just fine for everyone. Everyone that is, except Emmett.  Emmett will only wear crocs and only do so without socks. Every tiny piece of anything that touches his foot, requires the foot cleaning routine.  We walked about a mile and a half last night. However, it's was more like a mile and a half of line drills. I would…


This is absolutely a blessing 

I have some really good news tonight. Elliott is peacefully sleeping, and has been all night. This is the first time in over three days that he's done that. The neighborhood noise was really bad, and he slept right through it.  My hope is that he will sleep in and feel much better when he wakes up.  Like I said before, we aren't sure what's behind this, but at this point, we're just grateful that it seems to be over for now.