What happens today doesn’t represent the rest of your journey

Its been a minute cause I'm currently remodeling the space I use for these videos. I've been reading the personal stories of people in the Autism Parenting support group I built in reddit. I wanted to hop on here share some thoughts about the autism parenting journey, feeling overwhelmed, and even desperate along the way. I've been there and these stories are heartbreaking at times. I hope this provides at least some comfort to those of you out there in the trenches. You're not alone and remember, what happens today doesn't represent the rest of your journey. I also want to invite you to join the other 8,500 families in my Autism Parenting sub. It's a safe space to talk about parenting, learn from autistic adults, and connect with others…


Why is my #autistic toddler becoming more aggressive?

Because you asked: "Why is my autistic toddler becoming more aggressive?" You're mileage may vary on this one but thisade me think of my experience with my youngest and I hope this can help someone out there. Like and follow for more 👍 https://www.instagram.com/reel/CboH0X6FAaD/?utm_medium=copy_link Transcribed for accessibility ☺️ ♥️ "Okay. So I've got this question on my autism parenting subreddit this morning. And, uh, it's from a parent who's autistic toddler is becoming more aggressive lately, biting, hitting, kicking, scratching, things like that. And they're like, Hey, why is this happening? Uh, well, the truth is like, I have no idea why it's happening.It could be a million reasons. Um, but it sounds like this kid might be non-verbal from some of the contexts that I got from the conversation.…


Let’s talk about accountability

Let's talk about accountability as it relates to our autistic kids. Here's an example of when I hold my kids accountable. Hope this helps.Like and follow for more  Transcription can be found below for accessibility. ☺ ♥ https://www.instagram.com/reel/CbkpETgFXjU/?utm_medium=copy_link Accountability"Okay. So you guys have been asking me a lot of questions lately about, um, when you discipline your child or what you hold them accountable for when they're autistic. And I've talked briefly about, I don't hold them accountable for things like meltdowns or stemming or things that are sort of inherently autism related behaviors, because it's outside of their control.It's not their fault. It's not a punishable thing. However, when my kids make choices or decisions that are problematic, they are held accountable for that. And today's a good…


Time management as it relates to #autism #parenting

Because you asked: "Can you please talk about time management?" I have an autism parenting support forum on Reddit with over 8,300 families. One of the Dad's asked me to talk about time manage t as it relates to being an autism parent. Here's the link to join the group of you'd like to: https://www.reddit.com/r/Autism_Parenting https://www.instagram.com/reel/CbjGvBdF9k5/?utm_medium=copy_link Below is the transcript of the video for accessibility. ☺ ♥ Time Management So I had someone in my Reddit support forum, uh, asked me to talk about time management as it relates to autism parenting. And I thought, well, that's kind of a weird question at first, but then I realized it's actually a really good question and I just don't know how to answer it. So, uh, I've been putting it off,…


You don’t know what it’s like

I pulled this request from one of my autism parenting support groups a few days ago. I'm just getting around to sharing it here, it's been on Facebook for a couple of days. Here's the actual topic request: This mom basically asked me to explain why even the simple things in life aren't so simple when you're an autism parent. I totally get this and I hope I helped.. ☺


A few reasons why your #autistic child may be having #meltdowns after school?

A mom from one of my autism parenting support groups asked why her autistic son has meltdowns after school. This was a really good question and I wanted to share my answer here. If you're following me on IG, you may have already seen this. There could be a million reasons but I wanted to share some insight into why this may be happening. I think we, as parents, can underestimate how challenging it can be for our kids just to make it through the school day. School is not sensory friendly and there's a great deal of expectation during the school day. Simply put, school can be incredibly overwhelming for our kiddos on the spectrum and the fact they hold it together as well as they do is quite…


Because You Asked: Why I vaccinated my kids

First of all, I fully realize this is a touchy subject. At the same time, I'm constantly being asked for my opinion on this subject, and I thought as the Lost and Tired story continues under a new name, I would address this issue and when someone asks, I can point them here. I very much believe in the benefits of vaccines All of my kids have been vaccinated and are up to date on their shots. My oldest is getting his final HPV dose in a couple of months. Vaccines are overwhelmingly safe for the vast majority of the human race. That's just scientific and medical fact. That's always being disputed, but the man that sparked the entire debate was proven to be a fraud and had his medical…