Sensory processing issues get in the way again

Trying to get the kids ready for school can be like herding cats at times. There are a million reasons for that. Sometimes it's pretty kid typical and just not wanting to get out of bed, or simply dragging their feet while getting ready. Other times it can be more Autism related in nature. This morning was delayed by sensory issues once again. Mr. Emmett was having issues with his sock on his left foot. It took quite some time to help him work through it. He kept saying that it felt like something was snagging his sock. He was getting really upset because he didn't want to be late but he was simply unable to put his socks on. He didn't wear socks to school for many years but…


I’m frustrated, heartbroken and unable to sleep

Life has been getting in the way of writing lately and that's frustrating. This is a major outlet for me and when it's impeded, I tend to struggle a bit more. My intention with this post is to play catch-up. I think the last time I wrote anything significant was in regards to our chaotic trip to the immunologist eariler in the week, so we'll pick things up after that. The following day, I had a doctor's appointment of my own. It was just a check-up with my primary but the results of the check-up were relatively significant, at least for me. The appointment went really well. My blood pressure was perfect and my weight is continuing to drop off. My big concern was the results of my recent lab…


There was blood everywhere and it looked like a crime scene

This morning has been a fucking nightmare. All I needed to do was get everyone to the doctors. We were all going to the same place. I was mentally prepared for the challenges associated with that because most of them are predictable.. Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned. We're trying to get everyone ready to leave and Emmett gets so stressed out over his clothes that he has a massive meltdown. This was totally a sensory thing and outside of his control. That massive meltdown led to a massive nose bleed that took me forever to get under control. There was blood everywhere and it looked like a crime scene. Both sides of his nose bled and that's a first for us. Emmett has been struggling with nose bleeds for…

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Emmett’s test results came back and their very frustrating

About mid-afternoon, right before I picked Elliott up from school, Emmett's doctor called. I had left a message because we were notified that Emmett's results came back but the page that was supposed to contain the results was blank. Apparently, it was a glitch in the MyChart app. Either way, I needed them to read the results to me. Emmett was recently tested for milk and egg allergies. He used to be allergic both but he outgrew them a while ago. We wanted to make sure they hadn't begun giving him problems again because if they were, it could explain his stomach issues. At the same time, he was also retested for celiac as well. He was negative at an early age but since it runs in my family, we…


Poor Emmett didn’t make it through the day

After waiting in the school parking lot for an hour, I went in to check on Emmett. He was in martial arts at the time and we went down to check on him. He was practicing with weapons for the upcoming tournament, which he's incredibly excited about. I could see from a distance that he was struggling and when he came over, he was almost in tears. It broke my heart to see him like this. He was trying so hard to make it through the day but he asked if he could come home. Everyone agreed that he should go home and after picking up his things, some school work, and saying our goodbyes, we were on our way. I'm glad I stayed because it sorta expedited the process…


It’s killing me to see Emmett like this

Lizze and I have been bombarded with challenges this morning. Right now, I'm going to focus on the Emmett related ones. Emmett woke up not feeling well again, and struggling to get off to school. We're trying to find a balance between getting him to school and keeping him home because he's in too much pain or discomfort. It's not easy but thankfully, Emmett desperately wants to be in school, so if he ever doesn't want to go, we know something is wrong. Lizze tackled lunches and I worked with Emmett to come up with a plan that got him to school but that he was comfortable with. He ended up being willing to try for a little while. We got to school and I spoke with the office, his…


I took my 3 #Autistic kids to the dentist today and this was the result

We're finally home from our out-of-town trip to the dentist. I ended up having to take the boys on my own. Lizze was ready to go with us but it was obvious that she was really, really pushing herself. As much as I needed her help and as much as I truly appreciate her willingness to go even though she was in so much pain, it was best for her to stay home. The boys and I left around lunchtime and made it there a few minutes early. It took about 45 minutes to get there and traffic was pretty good. Elliott was on the verge of a panic attack because all doctors terrify him. We're not sure what that's all about but he's always been this way and there's…


I’m taking my 3 #Autistic kids to the dentist this morning

Later this morning, I'll be taking all 3 boys to the dentist. If that weren't challenging enough, I may be doing this alone. Lizze was sick for most of the day yesterday and I'm not sure how she's doing today. I know she wants to go but there's only so much she can do. I'm not super thrilled about this but we'll figure it out. I don't anticipate any issues while at the dentist. The only one I know who has a potential problem is Emmett. He recently lost a tooth with a metal cap. The tooth behind it appears to have been damaged by the metal cap. It's hard to describe but it's only a baby tooth, so I don't expect them to aggressively do anything. Emmett isn't in…

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