Why I get to the school an hour before dismissal

One of the reasons I like getting to school an hour early to pick up the boys is because I like the quiet. It's a great time to get some writing done without too much distraction. Another reason I like to arrive an hour early at the school, especially in warmer weather is because it gives me a chance to observe my kids playing outside with their peers. Sometimes it can be hard to pick up on social awkwardness because they're comfortable at home and we're used to everything about them. Sometimes it's just nice to see them playing with their classmates. Making friends can be tough for people with Autism and so it feels good to see them doing good in this area. We all want our kids to…


Navigating the nursing home with my #Autistic kids isn’t easy

I wanted to share a special moment from the other day. As you may recall, we recently lost Lizze's grandmother, my grandfather and now my grandmother is in heart failure. She's moved into a nursing home about five minutes away. She's been there for a couple of months, and it's been a difficult transition for her. The positive is that she's now safe, well cared for and much closer. She used to live ninety minutes away, and that made it so hard to see her when especially with our car. Anyway, we try to visit her as close to every day as we can. It's a difficult journey with the kids because her memory is not very good anymore and the other day, it didn't seem like she remembered us.…


It’s unbelievable what sometimes goes into getting my kids to school in the morning

It's already been an eventful morning, after a long night. When we last spoke, it was about 1 AM, and the boys were unable to sleep. Elliott fell asleep shortly after that but Emmett could not. His legs were hurting him too much, and he ended up sleeping in between Lizze and I. I don't know if he just needed the comfort, but he did fall asleep. Emmett was very concerned about going to school today because of his legs. He has to do multiple flights of stairs, numerous times a day. He also has martial arts as well. The poor kid is having to rough go at it, and he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to do these things because they would hurt too much. I walked…

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I hate chaos, but it’s an inevitable part of my life

I'm feeling a bit better today because I took some ZzzQuil last night, and slept like a baby. I think I actually got a solid 8 hours of sleep. That's both uncommon and awesome, all at the same time. There aren't any plans today outside of working in the house. I want to finish up the laundry and get it put away. Right now, my living room is drowning in laundry, and I desperately want out from underneath all that. I don't know if I've ever specifically spelled this out before, but I hate chaos. I hate it. Chaos is the absence of organization, and I love being organized. Unfortunately, chaos reigns supreme in my house because of the often unpredictable nature of the many Autism related challenges we face…


Why I sometimes feel completely overwhelmed

Today is one of those days where I'm not coping well with life. I'm feeling overwhelmed by everything going on around me, and part of me wants to run away. Everyone is struggling in their own way, and there isn't a great deal I can do to help. That's a powerless feeling, and it sucks. Some of the things I could have control over, I don't because I lack the resources to address them. That feels even worse. Lizze is very limited in many ways, so the bulk of everything is falling on me, and that's okay. Gavin is pretty much out of his mind (for lack of a better phrase), and the other two boys are not having an easy go at things either. I'm looking at a ton…

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This made me smile today

It's been a rough day for a multitude of reasons. Rather than focus on the negatives, I wanted to share something a bit more uplifting and positive. I feel like it's important to focus on the positives as much as possible. I realize it's not always easy, especially for Autism parents but it's a good habit to get into. Admittedly, it's still a work in progress for me personally, but I'm making a concerted effort. That said... If you have been following for a while, you know that Gavin used to be quite fond of drawing. As his daily struggles increase and he loses touch with reality, he drifted away from his more artistic side. It was sad to see that part of him fade away because he was always…


I put myself in timeout this morning

We're having a rough morning, and I'm taking a timeout, so I can not lose sight of what's going on. I figured I write a quick post and hopefully, I'll feel better afterward. I can't tell if I slept well or not. I'm in a good mood but feel run down, so I'm in sort of a weird place. Mr. Emmett is finally returning to school after a week of illness, and while he's excited, he's also freaking out. He incredibly anxious and not coping with the change to his current routine. Kids with Autism, generally are not fans of change. Emmett is no exception, and even small amounts of change can destabilize him. He gets anxious, and that leads to overstimulation. Meltdowns are very common as a result, and…


#Autism parenting is an uphill battle every single day and that’s okay

I'm not looking for life to be easy. I'm not looking for anything to be handed to me either. What I would very much appreciate is a level playing field. Life as a full-time caregiver to four people with special needs is rewarding, challenging, never dull and absolutely exhausting. As an Autism and Special Needs parent, there are things I have to worry about constantly, that won't even show up on most others radar. Each one of these worries weighs heavy and keeps me up at night because my brain is continually trying to find solutions to the many problems facing my family. There are so many things I wish I could change about my life, but my wife and kids aren't one of them. Sure, I'd take away their…

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